Prof. Dr. Mira Burri
Professorin für Internationales Wirtschafts- und Internetrecht
Director for Internationalization
T +41 41 229 53 71 • mira.burri @
Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Luzern, Raum 4.A31
Mira Burri ist seit April 2016 Dozentin und seit März 2021 als Professorin für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht und Internetrecht an der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Luzern tätig. Sie hat die Forschungsleitung des ERC-Projekts "Trade Law 4.0: Trade Law for the Data-Driven Economy" (2021-2026). Der Schweizerische Nationalfonds (SNF) hat per 1. Januar 2022 Mira Burri als Mitglied in den Nationalen Forschungsrat berufen.
Mira Burri ist zudem Managing Director für den Bereich Internationalisierung. In dieser Funktion ist sie verantwortlich für die Weiterentwicklung der Internationalisierungsstrategie der Fakultät, den Ausbau und die Verbesserung des internationalen akademischen Programms, des Netzwerks von Partnerinstitutionen und der Mobilitätsmöglichkeiten für Luzerner und ausländische Studierende.
Vor ihrem Wechsel an die Universität Luzern war Mira Burri Senior Fellow am World Trade Institute der Universität Bern, wo sie im Rahmen des Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR): Trade Regulation ein Projekt zu digitalen Technologien und Handelsrecht leitete.
Mira Burri schloss ihr Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Sofia ab und erwarb einen Master of Advanced European Studies (MAES) am Europainstitut der Universität Basel. Im Rahmen ihrer Doktorarbeit beschäftigte sie sich mit dem EU-Wettbewerbsrecht in Kommunikationsmärkten und wurde dafür mit dem Professor Walther Hug-Preis (2006/2007) ausgezeichnet. Mira Burri habilitierte sich 2015 mit der venia docendi für internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, europäisches und internationales Kommunikations- und Medienrecht sowie Internetrecht.
Prof. Burri ist die Autorin der Bücher EC Electronic Communications and Competition Law (Cameron May 2007); The Classification of Services in the Digital Economy (Springer 2012; mit Weber) und Public Service Broadcasting 3.0 (Routledge 2015). Sie ist zudem Herausgeberin des Buches Big Data and Global Trade Law(Cambridge University Press 2021) sowie Mitherausgeberin der Publikationen Free Trade versus Cultural Diversity (Schulthess 2004); Digital Rights Management: The End of Collecting Societies? (Stämpfli et al. 2005); Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment (Edward Elgar 2008); Governance of Digital Game Environments and Cultural Diversity (Edward Elgar 2010) und Trade Governance in the Digital Age (Cambridge University Press 2012). Darüber hinaus publiziert sie in einer Reihe von Fachzeitschriften, wie dem Journal of International Economic Law, dem Case Western Journal of International Law, der UC Davies Law Review, der Common Market Law Review, der European Law Review, und dem International Journal of Cultural Property.
Mira Burri ist Mitglied der Redaktionsbeiräte der Zeitschriften International Journal of Communications Law and Policy, International Journal of Cultural Property und Arts and International Affairs. Ausserdem fungierte sie als Beraterin des Europäischen Parlaments in Fragen der kulturellen Vielfalt und ist Mitglied des EU Expert Network for Culture and Audiovisual und der EU/UNESCO Expert Facility. Sie ist auch Mitglied des TaPP-Netzwerks und Mitglied des Digital Trade & Data Governance Hub mit Sitz in Washington D.C. Ferner berät Mira Burri unter anderem die EFTA sowie das World Economic Forum.
Die Forschungsschwerpunkte von Mira Burri liegen in den Bereichen digitaler Handel, Recht und Internet, Urheberrecht, Handel und Kultur sowie adaptive Global Governance.
Weitere Informationen zur Forschung sind auf der englischen Seite zu finden.
- Abbott Frederick M./Cottier Thomas/Burri Mira, International Intellectual Property in an Integrated World Economy, 5. Aufl., Aspen 2024,
- Burri Mira, Public Service Broadcasting 3.0: Legal Design for the Digital Present, London/New York 2015,
- Burri Mira/Weber Rolf H., Classification of Services in the Digital Economy, Berlin 2012,
- Burri Mira, EC Electronic Communications and Competition Law, London 2007,
- Burri Mira/Vasquez Callo-Müller Maria, Charting the Course: Trips-Plus Agreements and the Intersection of Intellectual Property with Digital Trade, in: American University Law Review 73/2024, S. 167–179,
- Burri Mira/Kugler Kholofelo, Digital Trade in the EU-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement: An Appraisal, in: Legal Issues of Economic Integration (LIEI) 51/1/2024, S. 11–46,
- Burri Mira/Kugler Kholofelo, Regulatory Autonomy in Digital Trade Agreements, in: Journal of International Economic Law, jgae 2024, S. 1–27,
- Burri Mira, The Digital Transformation of Trade Law, in: SciencePo Law Review, special issue "Law and Technology: Toward a Digital Rule of Law" 2024, S. 29–33,
- Burri Mira, A WTO Agreement on Electronic Commerce: An Enquiry into its Substance and Viability, Trade Law 4.0 Working Paper No 1/2021, in: Georgetown Journal of International Law 53/4/2023, S. 565–625,
- Burri Mira, The Impact of Digitalization on Global Trade Law, in: German Law Journal 24/3/2023, S. 551–573,
- Burri Mira/Zihlmann Zaira, The EU Cyber Resilience Act: An Appraisal and Contextualization, in: Zeitschrift für Europarecht (EuZ) 25/2/2023, S. 1–45,
- Burri Mira, Cross-Border Data Flows and Privacy in Global Trade Law: Has Trade Trumped Data Protection?, in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy 39/1/2023, S. 85–97,
- Burri Mira, Trade Law 4.0: Are We There Yet?, in: Journal of International Economic Law 26/1/2023, S. 90–100,
- Burri Mira, Digital Trade and Human Rights, in: AJIL Unbound: Symposium on Digital Trade and International Law 117/2023, S. 110–115,
- Burri Mira, Switzerland in the Global Landscape of Digital Trade Regulation, in: Jusletter IT 2023,
- Burri Mira/Chander Anupam, What Are Digital Trade and Digital Trade Law?, in: AJIL Unbound: Symposium on Digital Trade and International Law 117/2023, S. 99–103,
- Burri Mira, Approaches to Digital Trade and Data Flow Regulation across Jurisdictions: Implications for the Future EU-ASEAN Agreement, in: Legal Issues of Economic Integration 49/2/2022, S. 149–168,
- Ole Marius Hyllanda/Mira Burri/Katarina Lindblad Gidlund/Christian Handke/Arturo Rodríguez Morató/Kate Oakley/Jaka Primorac/Aleksandra Uzelac, Pandemic Cultural Policy. A Comparative Perspective on Covid-19 Measures and Their Effect on Cultural Policies in Europe, in: International Journal of Cultural Policy 2022,
- Irion Kristina/Burri Mira/Kolk Ans/Milan Stefania, Governing "European values" Inside Data Flows: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, in: Internet Policy Review - special issue 10/3/2021, S. 1–14,
- Burri Mira, Digital Transformation: Heralding in a New Era for International Trade Law, in: Trade, Law and Development 13/1/2021, S. 38–62,;
- Burri Mira, Towards a New Treaty on Digital Trade, in: Journal of World Trade 55/1/2021, S. 77–100,
- Burri Mira, Approaches to Digital Trade and Data Flow Regulation across Jurisdictions, in: Journal of World Investment and Trade 22/2021,
- Burri Mira, Interfacing Privacy and Trade, in: Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 53/2021, S. 35–88,
- Burri Mira/Zihlmann Zaïra, Intermediaries’ Liability in Light of the Recent EU Copyright Reform, in: Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law 11/2021, S. 35–75,
- Burri Mira/Polanco Rodrigo, Digital Trade Provisions in Preferential Trade Agreements: Introducing a New Dataset, in: Journal of International Economic Law 23:1/2020, S. 1–34,
- Burri Mira, Trade in Services Regulation in the Data-driven Economy, in: Trade, Law and Development 12/1/2020, S. 208–240,
- Burri Mira/Serrano Omar, India, Brazil, and Public Health: Rule-Making through South-South Diffusion in the Intellectual Property Rights Regime?, in: Regulation and Governance 2020,
- Burri Mira, New Legal Design for Digital Commerce in Free Trade Agreements, in: DigiWorld Economic Journal 107/3/2017, S. 1–21,
- Burri Mira, The Regulation of Data Flows in Trade Agreements, in: Georgetown Journal of International Law 48/1/2017, S. 408–448,
- Serrano Omar/Burri Mira/Bannerman Sara, Rising Economies in the International Patent Regime: From Rule-Breakers to Rule-Changers and Rule-Makers, in: New Political Economy 2017,
- Burri Mira, The Governance of Data and Data Flows in Trade Agreements: The Pitfalls of Legal Adaptation, in: UC Davies Law Review 51/2017, S. 65–133,
- Burri Mira/Schär Rahel, The Reform of the EU Data Protection Framework: Outlining Key Changes and Assessing Their Fitness for a Data-Driven Economy, in: Journal of Information Policy 6/2016, S. 479–511,
- Burri Mira/Schär Rahel, Die Reform der Datenschutzgesetzgebung der Europäischen Union: die wichtigsten Veränderungen und ihre Eignung für eine datengesteuerte Wirtschaft, in: Zeitschrift für Europarecht (EuZ) 18/4/2016, S. 82–95
- Burri Mira, Cultural Diversity in the Internet Age: In Search of New Tools That Work, in: Digiworld Economic Journal 101/2016, S. 1–21,
- Burri Mira, Global Cultural Law and Policy and the Internet: A Tale of Parallel Worlds, in: Arts and International Affairs 1/2016, S. 148–181,
- Burri Mira/Schär Rahel, The Reform of the EU Data Protection Framework: Outlining Key Changes and Assessing Their Fitness for a Data-Driven Economy, in: Journal of Information Policy 6/2016, S. 479–511,
- Burri Mira, The International Economic Law Framework for Digital Trade, in: Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht 135/II/2015, S. 10–72,
- Burri Mira, Contemplating a "Public Service Navigator": In Search of New (and Better) Functioning Public Service Media, in: International Journal of Communication 9/2015, S. 1341–1359,
- Burri Mira, Designing a Coherent Framework for the Regulation of Internet Content, in: The Hague Institute for Justice Paper 2015,
- Burri Mira/Helberger Natali, Public Service Media and Exposure Diversity: An Introduction, in: International Journal of Communication 9/2015, S. 1319–1323,
- Burri Mira, Global Cultura Law and Policy in the Age of the Ubiquitous Internet, in: International Journal of Cultural Property 21/2014, S. 349–364,
- Burri Mira, The UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity: An Appraisal Five Years after its Entry into Force, in: International Journal of Cultural Property 20/2014, S. 357–380,
- Burri Mira/de Beer Jeremy, Transatlantic Copyright Comparisons: Making Available via Hyperlinks in the European Union and Canada, in: European Intellectual Property Review 2/2014, S. 95–105,
- Burri Mira, Permission to Link: Making Available via Hyperlinking in the European Union after Svensson, in: Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law 5/2014, S. 245–255,
- Burri Mira, Business as Usual? The Implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural and EU Media Law and Policy, in: European Law Review 3/2013, S. 802–825,
- Burri Mira, Reconciling Trade and Culture: A Global Law Perspective, in: Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society 41/2011, S. 138–158,
- Burri Mira, Re-Conceptualising the Global Digital Divide, in: Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law 2/3/2011, S. 217–225,
- Burri Mira, Misunderstanding Creativity: User Created Content in Virtual Worlds and its Constraints by Code and Law, in: International Journal of Communications Law and Policy 14/2011,
- Burri Mira, Cultural Diversity as a Concept of Global Law: Origins, Evolution and Prospects, in: Diversity 2/2010, S. 1059–1084,
- Burri Mira, Digital Technologies and Traditional Cultural Expressions: A Positive Look at a Difficult Relationship, in: International Journal of Cultural Property 15/2010, S. 33–63,
- Burri Mira, Trade and Culture in International Law: Paths to (Re)conciliation, in: Journal of World Trade 44/2010, S. 49–80,
- Burri Mira, Trade versus Culture in the Digital Environment: An Old Conflict in Need of a New Definition, in: Journal of International Economic Law 12/1/2009, S. 17–62,
- Burri Mira, The New Audiovisual Media Services Directive: Television Without Frontiers, Television Without Cultural Diversity, in: Common Market Law Review 44/6/2008, S. 1689–1725,
- Burri Mira, Trade and Culture: Making the WTO Legal Framework Conducive to Cultural Considerations, in: Manchester Journal of International Economic Law 5/3/2008, S. 3–39,
- Burri Mira, Defining Regulatory Objectives for Contemporary Electronic Communications: Between a Rock and a Hard Place, in: International Journal of Communications Law and Policy 12/2008, S. 274–312,
- Burri Mira, The Changing Environment of Audiovisual Media: New Technologies, New Patterns of Consumer / Business Behaviour and Their Implications for Audiovisual Media Regulation, in: Medialex: The Swiss Journal of Communications Law 4/2007, S. 171–179,
- Burri Mira, The Law of the World Trade Organization and the Communications Law of the European Community: On a Path of Harmony or Discord? NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper No. 2006/08, in: Journal of World Trade 41/4/2007, S. 833–878,
- Burri Mira, The New Concept of Universal Service in a Digital Networked Communications Environment, NCCR Working Paper 2006/10, in: I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 3/2007, S. 117–146,
- Burri Mira, The Reform of the EC Audiovisual Media Regulation: Television without Cultural Diversity, NCCR Working Paper, in: International Journal of Cultural Property 14/2/2007, S. 169–204,
- Graber Christoph/Burri Mira/Girsberger Michael, Collecting Societies - Not Yet "Six Feet Under", in: Indicare Monitor 1/4/2004,
- Burri Mira, Creating Data Flow Rules through Preferential Trade Agreements, in: Chander, Anupam/Sun, Haochen (Hrsg.), Data Sovereignty: From the Digital Silk Road to the Return of the State, Oxford 2024, S. 264–292,
- Burri Mira/Irion Kristina, Digital Trade, in: Kübek, Gesa/Tams, Christian J./Terhechte, Philipp Jörg (Hrsg.), EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, München 2024, S. 251–271,
- Burri Mira, Digital Trade, in: Lim, Chin Leng/Trachtman, Joel (Hrsg.), The Cambridge Companion to World Trade Law, Cambridge 2024, S. 1–13,
- Burri Mira, Digital Trade in Free Trade Agreements, in: Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista/Cottier, Thomas (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, 2. Aufl., Cheltenham 2024, S. 1–3,
- Burri Mira, Digital Trade under the Law of the World Trade Organization, in: Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista/Cottier, Thomas (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, 2. Aufl., Cheltenham 2024,
- Burri Mira, Digital Trade: New Design Elements in Preferential Trade Agreements, in: Elsig, Manfred/Polanco, Rodrigo (Hrsg.), The Concept Design of 21 Century Trade Agreements, Cambridge 2024, S. 146–167,
- Burri Mira, EU External Trade Policy in the Digital Age: Has Culture Been Left Behind?, in: Psychogiopoulou, Evangelia/Schoenmaekers, Sarah (Hrsg.), European Union Economic Law and Culture, 2. Aufl., Cheltenham 2024, S. 243–267,
- Burri Mira, Foreword to N. Mishra, in: Mishra, Neha (Hrsg.), International Trade Law and Data Governance: Aligning Perspectives and Practices, Open Access 2024, S. 8–9,*1428y1g*_gcl_au*NjgwMzc4NTQ1LjE3MzI2MzIzOTE.&_ga=2.228138717.1315006712.1732632392-1290234254.1732632392&v=pdf
- Burri Mira, Inequalities in Digital Trade and Digital Trade Regulation, in: Askin, Elif/Stoll, Hanna (Hrsg.), Contested Equality: International and Comparative Legal Perspectives, 2. Aufl., Cheltenham 2024, S. 203–220,
- Burri Mira, Security Exceptions, in: Lim, Chin Leng/Trachtman, Joel (Hrsg.), Cambridge Companion to World Trade Law, Cambridge 2024, S. 1–15,
- Burri Mira, Communication Services, in: Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista/Cottier, Thomas (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, 2. Aufl., Cheltenham 2023, S. 1–5,
- Burri Mira, Copyright as an Engine for Creativity: A Critical Appraisal of Contemporary Developments in Intermediaries’ Liability Regulation, in: Jung, Yuha/Vakharia, Neville/Vecco, Marilena (Hrsg.), The Oxford Handbook of Arts and Cultural Management, Oxford 2023, S. 221–238,
- Burri Mira, Creating Data Flows Rules through Preferential Trade Agreements, in: Chander, A./Sun, H. (Hrsg.), Data Sovereignty along the Digital Silk Road, Oxford 2023, S. 265–291,
- Burri Mira, Digital Cultural Policy in Switzerland: Between Currents and Crosscurrents, in: Hylland, Ole Marius/Primorac, Jaka (Hrsg.), DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND CULTURAL POLICIES IN EUROPE, London 2023, S. 103–118, 10.4324/9781003334576-7
- Burri Mira/Irion Kristina, Digital Trade, in: Kübek, G./Tams, C.J./Terhechte, J.P. (Hrsg.), Handbook on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, Baden-Baden 2023, S. 255–275,
- Burri Mira, Digital Trade and the World Trade Organization, in: Cottier, T./Nadakuvaren-Schefer, K. (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, 2. Aufl., Cheltenham 2023,
- Burri Mira, Digital Trade: New Design Elements in Preferential Trade Agreements, in: Elsig, Manfred/Polanco Rodrigo (Hrsg.), The Concept Design of 21 Century Trade Agreements, Cambridge 2023,
- Burri Mira, Digital Trade: New Design Elements in Preferential Trade Agreements, in: Elsig, Manfred/Polanco Rodrigo (Hrsg.), The Concept Design of 21 Century Trade Agreements, Cambridge 2023, S. 146–167,
- Burri Mira, Digital Transformation as a Reshaper of Global Trade Law, Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship, in: Mathis, Klaus/Tor, Avishalom (Hrsg.), Law and Economics of Digital Transformation, Bd. 15, Cham 2023, S. 387–407,
- Burri Mira, Digital trade rulemaking in free trade agreements, in: Collins, D./Geist, M. (Hrsg.), Handbook on Digital Trade Law, Cheltenham, UK 2023, S. 9–27,
- Burri Mira, Privacy and Data Protection in Trade Agreements, in: Cottier, T./Nadakuvaren-Schefer, K. (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, 2. Aufl., Cheltenham 2023,
- Burri Mira, The European Union as a Digital Cultural Actor, in: Hylland, Ole Marius/Primorac, Jaka (Hrsg.), DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND CULTURAL POLICIES IN EUROPE, London 2023, S. 161–180,
- Burri Mira, Trade and Culture: The 1970 UNESCO and the 1995 UNIDROIT Conventions and Their Relationship with the 2005 Convention on Cultural Diversity and International Trade Law, forthcoming, in: Vrdoljak, Ana Filipa (Hrsg.), Oxford Handbook on the 1970 and 1995 Conventions, Oxford 2023,
- Burri Mira, Adapting Trade Rules for the Age of Big Data, in: Taubman, Antony/Watal, Jayashree (Hrsg.), Trade in Knowledge, Intellectual Property, Trade and Development in a Transformed Global Economy, Cambridge 2022, S. 584–614,
- Burri Mira, Commentary of Article 10 TRIPS, in: Busche, Jan/Stoll/Peter-Tobias/Arend, Katrin (Hrsg.), Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law Volume: 7, WTO - Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Leiden o. J.,
- Burri Mira, Commentary of Article 12 TRIPS, in: Busche, Jan/Stoll/Peter-Tobias/Arend, Katrin (Hrsg.), Max Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law Volume: 7, WTO - Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Leiden o. J.,
- Burri Mira/Irion Kristina, Digitaler Handel, in: Kübek, Gesa/Tams, Christian J./Terhechte, Jörg Philipp (Hrsg.), Handels- und Kooperationsvertrag EU/GB, Handbuch, 1. Auflage, Baden-Baden 2022, S. 343–368,
- Burri Mira, Fake News in Times of Pandemic and Beyond: Exploring of the Rationales for Regulating Information Platforms, in: Mathis, Klaus/Tor, Avishalom (Hrsg.), Law and Economics of the Coronavirus Crisis, Cham 2022, S. 31–58
- Burri Mira, New Approaches to Data and Big Data in Trade Agreements, in: Viganò, Eleonora/Christen, Markus/Elger, Bernice S./Ienca, Marcello/Loi, Michele/Schneble, Christophe/Burri, Mira/Hauser, Christian/Shaw, David (Hrsg.), Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of Big Data - A Comprehensive Overview, Bern 2022,
- Burri Mira, Privacy and Data Protection, in: Bethlehem, Daniel/McRae, Donald/Neufeld, Rodney/Van Damme, Isabelle (Hrsg.), Oxford Handbook on International Trade Law, 2nd edn., Oxford 2022, S. 745–767,
- Burri Mira, The Protection of Cultural Heritage by Trademarks, in: Stamatoudi, Irini (Hrsg.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Cultural Heritage, Cheltenham, UK o. J., S. 55–71
- Burri Mira, Big Data and Global Trade Law: An Introduction, in: Burri, Mira (Hrsg.), Big Data and Global Trade Law, Cambridge 2021, S. 1–8,
- Burri Mira, Data Flows and Global Trade Law, in: Burri, Mira (Hrsg.), Big Data and Global Trade Law, Cambridge 2021, S. 11–41,
- Burri Mira, Data Flows versus Data Protection: Mapping Existing Reconciliation Models in Global Trade Law, in: Mathis, Klaus/Tor, Avishalom (Hrsg.), The Law and Economics of Regulation, Cham 2021, S. 129–158,
- Burri Mira, Commentary of GATS Article IX: Business Practices, in: Wolfrum, Rüdiger/Stoll, Peter-Tobias/Feinäugle, Clemens (Hrsg.), Max-Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law, Vol. 6, WTO - Trade in Services, Leiden/Boston 2020,
- Burri Mira, Cultural Heritage and Intellectual Property, in: Francioni, Francesco/Vrdoljak, Ana Filipa (Hrsg.), Oxford Handbook on International Cultural Heritage Law, Oxford 2020, S. 459–482,
- Burri Mira, Telecommunications and Media Services in Preferential Trade Agreements: Path Dependences Still Matter, in: Krajewski, Markus/Hoffmann, Rhea (Hrsg.), European Yearbook of International Economic Law: Coherence and Divergence in Agreements on Trade in Services, Bd. 11, Berlin 2020, S. 169–192,
- Burri Mira/Serrano Omar, TRIPs Implementation in Developing Countries: Likely Scenarios to 2025, in: Elsig, Manfred/Hahn, Michael/Spilker, Gabriele (Hrsg.), The Shifting Landscape of Global Trade Governance, Cambridge 2019, S. 275–294,
- Burri Mira, The WTO as an Actor of Global Internet Governance, in: Drake, W.J./Burri, Mira (Hrsg.), The Institutionalization of Global Internet Governance, Cambridge 2019
- Burri Mira, Understanding and Shaping Trade Rules for the Digital Era, in: Elsig, M./Hahn, M./Spilker, G. (Hrsg.), Future Scenarios for Global Trade Regulation, Cambridge 2019, S. 73–106,
- Burri Mira, Understanding the Implications of Big Data and Big Data Analytics for Competition Law: An Attempt for a Primer, in: Mathis, Klaus/Tor, Avishalom (Hrsg.), New Developments in Competition Law and Economics, Switzerland 2019, S. 241–263,
- Burri Mira, Communication Services, in: Cottier, Thomas/Nadakavukaren Schefer, Krista (Hrsg.), Encyclopedia of International Economic Law, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA 2017,
- Burri Mira, The Regulatory Framework for Digital Trade in The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, in: Seuba, Xavier/Roffe, Pedro (Hrsg.), Intellectual Property Rights and Mega-Regional Trade Agreements, Geneva/Strasbourg 2017, S. 65–88,
- Burri Mira, Designing Future-Oriented Multilateral Rules for Digital Trade, in: Sauvé, Pierre/Roy, Martin (Hrsg.), Research Handbook on Trade in Services, Cheltenham 2016, S. 331–356,
- Burri Mira, Exposure Diversity as a New Cultural Policy Objective in the Digital Age, in: Hanania, Lilian, Richieri/Norodom, Anne-Thida (Hrsg.), Cultural Diversity and Digital Technologies, Buenos Aires 2016, S. 209–236,
- Burri Mira, Nudging as a Tool of Media Policy: Understanding and Fostering Exposure Diversity in the Age of Digital Media, European Law and Economics, in: Mathis, Klaus/Tor, Avishalom (Hrsg.), Nudging - Possibilities, Limitations and Applications, Berlin 2016, S. 227–247,
- Burri Mira, The EU, the WTO and Cultural Diversity, in: Psychogiopoulou, Evangelia (Hrsg.), Cultural Governance and the European Union, Basingstoke, UK 2015, S. 195–209,
- Burri Mira, The Trade versus Culture Discourse: Tracing its Evolution in Global Law, in: Vadi, Valentina/de Witte, Bruno (Hrsg.), Culture and International Economic Law, London/New York 2015, S. 104–123,
- Burri Mira/Meitinger Ingo, The Protection of Undisclosed Information: Commentary of Article 39 TRIPS, in: Cottier, Thomas/Véron, Pierre (Hrsg.), Concise International and European IP Law: TRIPS, Paris Convention, European Enforcement and Transfer of Technology, The Hague 2014,
- Burri Mira, Trade versus Culture: The Policy of Cultural Exception and the World Trade Organization, in: Pauwels, Caroline et al. (Hrsg.), Palgrave Handbook of European Media Policy, Basingstoke, UK 2013, S. 478–492,
- Burri Mira, Controlling New Media (without the Law), in: Price, Monroe/Verhulst, Stefaan (Hrsg.), Handbook of Media Law, London/New York 2012, S. 327–342,
- Burri Mira/Cottier Thomas, Introduction: Digital Technologies and International Trade Regulation, in: Burri, Mira/Cottier, Thomas (Hrsg.), Trade Governance in the Digital Age, Cambridge 2012, S. 1–14,
- Burri Mira, The Global Digital Divide as Impeded Access to Content, in: Burri, Mira/Cottier, Thomas (Hrsg.), Trade Governance in the Digital Age, Cambridge 2012, S. 396–420,
- Burri Mira, Cultural Protectionism 2.0: Updating Cultural Policy Tools for the Digital Age, in: Candeub, Adam/Pager, Sean (Hrsg.), Transnational Culture in the Internet Age, Cheltenham 2011, S. 182–212,
- Burri Mira/Graber Christoph B./Steiner Thomas, The Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity in a Digital Networked Environment: Mapping Possible Advances to Coherence, in: Cottier, Thomas/Delimatsis, Panagiotis (Hrsg.), The Prospects of International Trade Regulation, Cambridge 2011, S. 359–393,
- Burri Mira, User Created Content and Cultural Diversity in Online Worlds, in: Burri, Mira/Graber Christoph B. (Hrsg.), Governance of Digital Games Environments and Cultural Diversity, Cheltenham 2010, S. 74–112,
- Burri Mira, International Regulation of Postal Communication, in: Wolfrum, Rüdiger (Hrsg.), Max-Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Oxford 2009,
- Burri Mira, The Protection and Promotion of Cultural Diversity at the International Level, in: Lydia B. Kerwin (Hrsg.), Cultural Diversity: Issues, Challenges and Perspectives, New York 2009,
- Burri Mira/Bigdeli Sadeq Z., Commentary of GATS Article IX: Business Practices, in: Wolfrum, Rüdiger/Stoll, Peter-Tobias/Feinäugle, Clemens (Hrsg.), Max-Planck Commentaries on World Trade Law: Trade in Services, Bd. 6, Leiden/Boston 2008, S. 220–233,
- Burri Mira, New Technologies and the Protection and Promotion of Traditional Cultural Expressions, in: V. Madhuri (Hrsg.), Traditional Knowledge: Impediments to IPR Protection, Hyderabad 2008, S. 131–168,
- Graber Christoph Beat/Burri Mira, Preface, in: Christoph Beat Graber/Mira Burri-Nenova (Hrsg.), Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment, Cheltenham 2008, S. 11–13,
- Burri Mira, The Long Tail of the Rainbow Serpent: New Technologies and the Protection and Promotion of Traditional Cultural Expressions, in: Christoph Beat Graber/Mira Burri-Nenova (Hrsg.), Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment, Cheltenham 2008, S. 205–236,
- Burri, Mira (Hrsg.), Big Data and Global Trade Law, Cambridge 2021,
- Burri, Mira/Cottier, Thomas (Hrsg.), Trade Governance in the Digital Age, Cambridge 2012,
- Burri, Mira/Graber, Christoph Beat (Hrsg.), Governance of Digital Games Environments and Cultural Diversity: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Cheltenham 2010,
- Burri, Mira/Graber, Christoph Beat (Hrsg.), Intellectual Property and Traditional Cultural Expressions in a Digital Environment, Cheltenham 2008,
- Graber, Christoph Beat/Govoni, Garlo/Girsberger, Michael/Burri Nenova, Mira (Hrsg.), Digital Rights Management: The End of Collecting Societies?, Bern/New York/Bruylant, Brussles/Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens 2005
- Burri, Mira/Graber, Christoph Beat/Girsberger, Mike (Hrsg.), Free Trade versus Cultural Diversity: WTO Negotiations in the Field of Audiovisual Services, Zürich 2004,
- Burri Mira, Wie soll man die globalen Datenflüsse regulieren?, Die Volkswirtschaft 18.07.2019,
- Burri Mira/Fanger Reto, Elektronische Aufbewahrung: Einige rechtliche Aspekte, IT-Markt 2017,
- Burri Mira, Digitaler Handel stürzt Regulatoren ins Dilemma, unipress 166/2015,
- Burri Mira, Die Zukunft des Internets entscheidet sich jetzt, unipress 160/2014,
- Burri Mira, Globale Internet Governance – wie weiter, asut bulletin 3/2014,
- Burri Mira, Immer mehr staatlich verordnete Grenzen im Cyberspace, Neue Zürcher Zeitung 2010
- Burri Mira, Protecting Cultural Diversity in the Digital World (In der digitalen Welt die kulturelle Vielfalt schützen), UniPress – Forschung und Wissenschaft 136/2008
- Burri Mira/Vasquez Callo-Müller Maria, Non-Discriminatory Treatment of Digital Products, 15.08.2024
- Burri Mira/Vasquez Callo-Müller Maria, Digital Economy Agreements: A Closer Look at the New Phenomenon in Digital Trade Rulemaking, 15.06.2024
- Burri Mira/Kugler Kholofelo/Vasquez Maria, The Regulation of Personal Data Protection, Cross-Border Data Flows, Data Localization, and the Non-Disclosure of Source Code in Free Trade Agreements’, Consultancy for the Identification and Survey of International Best Practices in the Field of Digital Trade Regulation for Technical Support to the Integration and Trade Sector (RG-T4108), 15.04.2024
- Burri Mira, Regulatory Autonomy in Digital Trade Agreements, 15.01.2024
- Burri Mira, Diversity and Pluralism in the Audiovisual Sector with the Rise of Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence in the Audiovisual Sector, Strasbourg 2024, S. 89–98,
- Burri Mira/Keida Mansi/Chan Chin Yik, Governing Cross-Border Data Flows: International Trade Agreements and their Limits, 12.04.2023,
- Burri Mira, 7. Study on Digital Trade for Malawi, a report for the government of Malawi commissioned by GIZ, 01.03.2023
- Burri Mira, Exploring the Potential of a Future EU-Japan Digital Partnership for Trade Governance, 25.03.2022,
- Burri Mira, New Approaches to Data and Big Data in Trade Agreements, 2022,
- Burri Mira, Cultural Diversity Policy in the Age of AI, ERA Report on Audiovisual Polcy and AI, IRIS Special, Strasbourg 2020, S. 69–84,
- Burri Mira, How Should the WTO Respond to the Data-driven Economy?, Modernizing the World Trage Organization Essay Series, Waterloo 2020,
- Burri Mira, Culture in the CARIFORUM- European Union Economic Partnership Agreement: Rebalancing Trade Flows between Europe and the Caribbean?, 2019,
- Burri Mira, Discoverability of Local, Regional and National Content, A Thought Leadership Paper, 2019,
- Burri Mira, Current and Emerging Trends in Disruptive Technologies: Implications for the Present and Future of EU’s Trade Policy, EXPO_STU(2017)603 845, 2017,
- Burri Mira, Over-the-top Services: Market Development and Regulatory Issues, 2015
- Burri Mira, The Impact of the International Legal Framework, in Particular the WTO and UNESCO, on the Pursuit of Cultural Diversity Objectives Online, 2014,
- Guèvremont Véronique/Bernier Ivan/Burri Mira/Cornu Marie/Hanania Lilian/Ruiz Fabri Hélène, Implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in the Digital Age: Challenges, Priority Actions and Recommendations, 2013
- Burri Mira, Should There Be New Multilateral Rules for Digital Trade?, 2013,
- Burri Mira, Über die Rhetorik hinaus: Reale Auswirkungen der UNESCO-Konvention zum Schutz der kulturellen Vielfalt, 2011
- Burri Mira, Implementing the UNESCO Convention in EU’s Internal Policies, 2010,
- Burri Mira, Cultural Diversity, Contribution to the Civil Society Background Paper "The Future of the Internet Economy", 2008,
- Burri Mira, The Future of Public Service Broadcasting: Grim or Bright?, in: European Journal of Communication 35:1/2020, S. 65–70,
- Burri Mira, Governing Science and Technology under the International Economic Order Regulatory Divergence and Convergence in the Age of Megaregionals, in: Asian Journal of International Law 1/2020, S. 411–413,
- Burri Mira, Communications and Competition Law: Key Issues in the Telecoms, Media and Technology Sectors, in: Computer and Telecommunications Law Review 6/2016, S. 170–171,
- Burri Mira, Regulating Code, in: International Journal of Law and Information Technology 22/2/2014, S. 208–214
- Burri Mira, Beyond Wikileaks: Implications for the Future of Communications, Journalism and Society, in: Journal of Information Policy 4/2014, S. 23–27,
- Burri Mira, Connecting Dots in a World of Bits, in: Opinio Juris 2013,
- Burri Mira, Public Service Media and Policy in Europe, in: Common Market Law Review 49/2012,
- Burri Mira, The International Law of Culture: Prospects and Challenges, in: International Journal of Cultural Property 19/2012, S. 579–581,
- Burri Mira, Protection of Cultural Diversity from a European and International Perspective, in: Common Market Law Review 47/2010,
- Burri Mira, Public Broadcasting and European Law, Irini Katsirea, in: European Law Review 34/2/2009, S. 336–338,
- Burri Mira, Intellectual Property, Public Policy, and International Trade, in: European Journal of International Law 20/2009, S. 923–925,
- Burri Mira, Regulating Content - European Regulatory Framework for the Media and Related Creative Sectors, Holoubek/Damjanovic/Traimer (eds.), in: Common Market Law Review 44/6/2007, S. 1835–1837,
- Burri Mira, Big Data, Small World, Video, 20.01.2021,
- Burri Mira, How the WTO Can Prepare for the Digital Economy? Video, 04.05.2020,
- Burri Mira, How Should the WTO Respond to the Data-driven Economy?, 2020,
- Burri Mira, Die reale Auswirkung der UNESCO-Konvention, insbesondere für die Schweiz, Interview mit DRS4, 2011,
- Burri Mira, Trade and Culture: Paths to (Re)conciliation, 2009,
- Burri Mira/Kugler Kholofelo, Digitization, Regulatory Barriers and Sustainable Development, Trade Law 4.0 Working Paper No 3/2023, 2023,
- Burri Mira, EU-External Trade Policy in the Digital Age, Has Culture Benn Left Behind?, Trade Law 4.0 Working Paper Series, 01.08.2022,
- Burri Mira/Serrano Omar, Making Use of the TRIPS Flexibilities: Compulsory Licensing in India and Brazil, WTI Working Paper, 1, 2016,
- Bannerman Sara/Burri Mira/Morin Jean-Frédéric/Serrano Omar, Rising Economies in the International Patent Regime: From Rule-Breakers to Rule-Makers, 2016,
- Burri Mira, The International Economic Law Framework for Digital Trade, NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper, 2015/08, 2015
- Burri Mira, Business as Usual? An Appraisal of the Implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity into EU’s Media Law and Policies, NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper, 2012/33, 2012,
- Burri Mira, Enquiry into the Notion of Cultural Protectionism in the Media and its Dimensions in Cyberspace, NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper, 03, 2011,
- Burri Mira, Cultural Diversity and the EC Audiovisual Media Services Directive: Beyond the Handsome Rhetoric, NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper, 2009/09, 2009,
- Burri Mira, Trade and Culture: Keep the Border Fuzzy, please!, NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper, 2009/2, 2009,
- Burri Mira, Regulatory Objectives for Contemporary Electronic Communications: Talking Business or Talking Culture?, NCCR Trade Regulation Working Paper, 2006/09, 2006,
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- Global Intellectual Property Protection and Digital Trade: Evidence from Preferential Trade Agreements. Referat, Intellectual Property Researchers Europe (IPRE), University of Geneva, WTO and WIPO, Genz, 2023
- Digital Trade Governance, RTAs and the Implications for TRIPS. Referat, ACADEMIC SYMPOSIUM: TRIPS AT 25, WTO, Genf, 2023
- The Law of Digital Trade. Referat, Trade Law 4.0 conference, Georgetown Law and the University of Lucerne, Washington DC, 2023
- Bridging Privacy, Security and Borders. Referat, RAID: Regulation, Artificial Intelligence, Internet and Data Conference, RAID: Regulation, Artificial Intelligence, Internet and Data Conference, Online, 2023
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- Human Rights Implications of Digital Trade Law. Referat, ASIL Midyear Meeting 2022, American Society of International Law (ASIL), Miami, 2022
- Cross-Border Data Flows and Privacy in Trade Agreements: The Positioning of the EU. Referat, Governing cross-border data flows: International trade agreements and their limits, Oxford Global Society, online, 2022
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- Digital Trade: New Design Elements in FTAs. Referat, The Concept Design of 21 Century Trade Agreements Workshop, World Trade Institute (WTI), University of Bern, Bern, 2022
- E-Commerce Regulation after MC12: Where Are We, Where Are We Heading? Chair/Panel-Moderation, Trade Law 4.0 Webinar, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2022
- Digital Cultural Policy in Switzerland. Referat, Rapids and Backwaters Workshop, Telemark Research Institute (TRI), Bo, 2022
- Understanding the Dynamics of Digital Trade Rulemaking: Experiences Gathered in Recent FTAs. Referat, WTO Digital Trade and Transformation, World Trade Organization (WTO), online, 2022
- Do Cultural Quotas Work in the Digital Media Space: The European Perspective. Referat, Global Online Platforms: Free Access and Free Trade vs. Domestic Culture, Columbia University, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information, New York, 2022
- Digital Technology as a Reshaper of Global Trade Law. Referat, 9. Law and Economics Tagung Luzern: Law and Economics of the Digital Transformation, Institut für Wirtschaft und Regulierung – WiRe, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2022
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- Current Developments in Global Digital Trade Regulation: What Role for the WTO? Keynote, EU Delegation at the WTO, World Trade Organization (WTO), Divonne-les-Bains, 2022
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- Digital Trade Governance: The Approaches of Canada and the United States. Referat, 13th Annual Queen’s Institute for Trade Policy: Addressing Global Trade Challenges through Canada-United States Cooperation, Queen’s Institute for Trade Policy, online, 2021
- Cross-Border Data Flows and Data Protection in Trade Agreements. Referat, ASIL Research Forum - Midyear Meeting, ASIL, online, 2021
- Data, Trade and Regulation. (Panel-)Beitrag, Towards Inclusive Digital Trade: Data, Development & Trust, USTR and Georgetown Law, online, 2021
- Cultural Policies, AI and Digital Platforms. Referat, KULMEDIA Workshop, KULMEDIA, Rom, 2021
- Digital Governance. Referat, Regulating the Global Digital Economy, University of Oxford, online, 2021
- Interfacing Privacy and Trade. Referat, Annual Meeting 2021 - Crisis, Healing, and Re-imagining, Law and Society Association (LSA), online, 2021
- Interfacing Privacy and Trade. Referat, 14th International Conference Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP), Laboratorio Interdisciplinare Diritti e Regole (LIDER-Lab), online, 2021
- Governing European Values inside Data Flows. Referat, Governing European Values inside Data Flows, University of Amsterdam and University of Lucerne, online, 2021
- RCEP: Chapter on E-Commerce. Referat, RCEP Speed Dating - Day 2, The National University of Malaysia and World Trade Institute, University of Bern, online, 2021
- The Regulation of Data Flows in PTAs: Design, Evolution and Implications. Referat, Data Sovereignty along the Digital Silk Road, University of Hong Kong and Georgetown Law, online, 2021
- Approaches to Digital Trade and Data Flow Regulation across Jurisdictions. Referat, The Roadmap to the ASEAN-EU FTA in the Post-Pandemic Era, Singapore Management University, School of Law, Singapur, 2020
- The Rise of Digital Trade: The Role of E-Commerce and Data in the Pandemic and Beyond. Referat, 12th Annual Queen’s Institute on Trade Policy: Trade Rules for the Pandemic and Its Aftermath, Queen’s Institute on Trade Policy, Ontario, 2020
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- Digital Rules Innovation in FTAs. Referat, Towards model RTA provisions for trade in times of crisis: E-commerce/digital trade and Investment, UN, UNCTAD, WTO and Singapore Management University, Bangkok, 2020
- Interfacing Privacy and Trade. Referat, ASIL Midyear Meeting Research Forum, ASIL, Cleveland, 2020
- The Emerging Framework for Privacy Protection in Global Trade Law. Präsentation, CCTL and Property Law Seminar – “Contract Law is Property Law!”, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Online, 2020
- The Governance of Data in Trade Agreements and Their Implications for Cultural Policy Toolkits. Präsentation, Conference on E-Commerce and Cultural Diversity, University of Laval, Quebec, 2020
- Data Flows and Global Trade Law. Referat, Beyond Goods: Trade in Services and Investment in a Climate of Trade Protectionism, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law, Hong Kong, 2019
- Law in the Time of Oxymora: A Synaesthesia of Language, Logic and Law - Author Meets Reader (AMR) Session. Referat, Law and Society Association 2019 Annual Meeting - Theme: Dignity, Law and Society Association, Washington D.C., 2019
- Data Flows Versus Data Protection: Understanding the Implications of Trade Law for Privacy. Referat, Law and Society Association 2019 Annual Meeting - Theme: Dignity, Law and Society Association, Washington D.C., 2019
- Regulation of Data & Data Companies. Chair/Panel-Moderation, Law and Society Association 2019 Annual Meeting - Theme: Dignity, Law and Society Association, Washington D.C., 2019
- Legal Design for Reconciling Data Flows and Data Protection. Referat, GEM-STONE workshop and International Studies Association Annual Convention, International Studies Association (ISA), Toronto, 2019
- Governance of the Digital Economy under International Trade and Investment Law. Referat, Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop 2019: International Investment Law in the Age of Digitalization, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt, 2019
- Data Flows and Global Trade Law. Referat, Big Data and Trade Governance, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2018
- Understanding and Shaping Trade Rules in the Age of Big Data. Referat, Trade in Knowledge Conference, World Trade Organization (WTO), Genf, 2018
- The Governance of Data Flows in Trade Agreements: High Time for New Solutions? (Panel-)Beitrag, Amsterdam Privacy Conference, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 2018
- Governance of Data and Data Flows in Trade Agreements. (Panel-)Beitrag, ICON-S Annual Meeting, The International Society of Public Law, Hong Kong, 2018
- Impact Studies on Trade and Culture. Referat, UNESCO Expert Meeting, UNESCO, Seoul, 2018
- Understanding the Implications of Big Data and Big Data Analytics for Competition Law. Referat, Law and Economics Symposium, University of Lucerne, Luzern, 2018
- The Global Rule Framework for Digital Trade: Spreading US Economic and Ideological Power. (Panel-)Beitrag, International Studies Association Annual Convention, International Studies Association, San Francisco, 2018
- TRIPs Implementation in Developing Countries: Likely Scenarios to 2025. Referat, World Trade Forum, World Trade Institute, Grindelwald, 2017
- Understanding and Shaping Trade Rules for the Digital Era. Referat, World Trade Forum, World Trade Institute, Grindelwald, 2017
- The Governance of Big Data in Trade Agreements. Referat, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 2017
- The Rise of Extraterritoriality in Cyberspace: Exploring the Extraterritorial Effects of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. Referat, EPIP Conference, EPIP: European Policy for Intellectual Property, Bordeaux, 2017
- Promoting Cultural Diversity through Preferential Trade. Referat, UNESCO Expert Meeting, UNESCO, Montreal, 2017
- Data Flows and Global Trade Regulation. Referat, World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), International Telecommunication Union, Genf, 2017
- Trade Rules for Innovation. Diskussionsbeitrag, e15 Expert meeting on trade and innovation, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development and the IMD, Geneva, 2014
- The Regulatory Framework for Digital Trade in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement – IP and Beyond. Referat, 11th WIPO Advanced Intellectual Property Research Forum: Intellectual Property Reforms - International and Comparative Dimensions, WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization, Genf, 2017
- In Search of Appropriate Legal Design for Digital Trade. Referat, METI/JETRO Digital Trade Symposium, Tokyo, 2017
- Data Flows and International Trade Law. Referat, Future-proofing Law, University of California, Davis, 2017
- The Governance of Trade Flows in Trade Agreements. Referat, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Law and Society Association, New Orleans, 2016
- Emerging Collisions between Internet Governance and International Trade Law. Referat, Center for Information Technology, Society and Law (ITSL), University of Zurich, Zürich, 2016
- Rising Powers at the World Intellectual Property Organization: Changing Interests and Stable Institutions. Referat, ISA's 57th Annual Convention - Theme: Exploring Peace, International Studies Association, Atlanta, 2016
- The Internet as a Governance Challenge. Referat, -, The Spirit of Bern, Bern (Kursaal), 2016
- Digital Trade and the WTO. Referat, Working Visit Taiwan government delegation, World Trade Institute, Bern, 2015
- Die Rahmenbedingungen des digitalen Handels im internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht. Referat, Swiss Lawyers' Day, St. Gallen, 2015
- Addressing Barriers to Digital Trade. Diskussionsbeitrag, Meeting of the Expert Group on the Digital Economy, Columbia University, New York, 2015
- Over-the-top Media: Regulatory Issues and Unsettled Questions. Referat, ITU-D experts meeting, International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, 2015
- Nudging as a Tool of Media Policy. Referat, 4th Law and Economics Conference, University of Lucerne and University of Notre Dame, Lucerne, 2015
- Over-the-top Services: Business Trends and Regulatory Issues. Referat, ITU ICT Leadership Retreat ‘Getting Ready for Tomorrow: Regulation in a Data-driven Connected World, ITU, Singapore, 2015
- Service Public Definition in the Digital Environment: Constitutional Basis and Legal Design. Referat, Expert hearing for the Swiss Federal Media Commission, University of Zurich, 2015
- Digital Flows: Trade Law Issues. Referat, New Horizons in Services Trade Governance, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development and the World Trade Institute, Geneva, 2014
- The Law of the World Trade Organization and the Internet. Referat, Geneva Internet Conference ‘Internet Governance at a Crossroads’, Geneva, 2014
- Digital Innovation, Cross-border Data and Its Implications. Referat, The Changing Global Innovation and Intellectual Property Policy Landscape: Present Challenges and Future Directions: TRIPS at 20 and Beyond, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva, 2014
- The Role of the World Trade Organization in Internet Governance. Referat, Governance of the Domain Name System and the Future Internet: Legal, Economic and Political Challenges, University of Oslo, Oslo, 2014
- Should There Be New Multilateral Rules for Digital Trade? Diskussionsbeitrag, e15 Initiative on Trade and Innovation Expert Meeting, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva, 2013
- Variable Geometry and the WTO: Insights for Global Rules Design. Referat, Internet Governance Forum (IGF), Istanbul, 2014
- Future-oriented Design for Digital Trade Rules. Referat, Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Convention, Law and Society Association, Minneapolis, 2014
- Designing a Coherent Framework for the Regulation of Internet Content. Global Governance Reform Conference ‘The Future of Cyber Governance’, The Hague Institute for Global Justice, The Hague, 2014
- The WTO in the Digital Era: Trade Meets Technology, But Do Trade Rules Too? Referat, The Future of the Multilateral Trading System: Post-Bali Perspectives, Graduate Institute and the World Trade Institute, Geneva, 2014
- Multistakeholder Internet Governance / Models, Mechanisms and Issues. Referat, Network of Interdisciplinary Internet and Society Research Centers (NoC) meeting post-NetMundial, Institute for Technology and Society, Sao Paulo, 2014
- Can International Law Keep Up with the Internet? Referat, ASIL (American Society of International Law) – ILA (International Law Association) Joint Meeting, ASIL and ILA, Washington, DC, 2014
- Internet-induced Changes in Global Governance. (Panel-)Beitrag, The International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Meeting, International Studies Association, Toronto, 2014
- Emulation or Coordination? Emerging Powers and Access to Health Policies. Referat, Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) Conference on Emerging Powers, SNIS, University of Lucerne, 2014
- The WTO as a Global Internet Governance Actor. Referat, The Institutionalization of Global Internet Governance: Multistakeholderism, Multilateralism and Beyond, Biennial Conference of the Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS), WTI, Bern, 2013
- Global Cultural Law in the Age of Ubiquitous Internet. Referat, International Journal of Cultural Property (IJCP) Conference in honour of Prof. John Henry Merryman, IJCP, Stanford University, 2013
- The Internet Economy and the Future of International Trade Law. (Panel-)Beitrag, WTO Public Forum, WTO, Geneva, 2013
- The Trade versus Culture Discourse: Tracing its Evolution in Global Law. Referat, Conference on Culture and International Economic Law, University of Maastrich, 2013
- Mapping Internet-induced Global Changes in Governance. Referat, Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Convention, LSA, Boston, 2013
- The Concept of Governance in “Internet Governance”. Referat, Global Network of Interdisciplinary Internet and Society Research Centers Conference ‘Moving towards a Collaborative Internet Governance Ecosystem’, ICT Law Institute, Bilgi University, Istanbul, 2013
- Digital Technologies and International Trade Law: Present State of Affairs and Challenges. Referat, 13th Annual WTO Conference, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, 2013
- The Mapping on Global IP Norm Making in the Digital Age in the Light of Sustainable Provision of Global Public Goods. (Panel-)Beitrag, International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, ISA, San Francisco, 2013
- Tectonic Shifts: Understanding Structural Changes, Tipping Points, and Their Effects on Systems. Referat, Inaugural Symposium: Towards a Global Network of Internet and Society Centers, Harvard University, 2012
- Digital Technologies and Cultural Heritage: Legal Questions Concerning Access to Digital Archives. Referat, Conference on Access and Use Rights for Digital Historical Sources, Infoclio, Kornhaus Bern, 2012
- Governing Games [in the Public Interest] – Social, Economic and Policy Issues. Referat, Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Manchester, 2012
- Trade and the Future of Culture in the Digital Age: Legal Design for Sustainable Culturally Diverse Media Environment. Referat, European Research Council, European Research Council, Brussels, 2012
- Digital Technologies and International Trade Law: Challenges Ahead. Referat, Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting, LSA, Honolulu, 2012
- New Technologies and Trade Governance: An Overview. Referat, Swiss National Center for Competence in Research (NCCR) meeting, Swiss National Center for Competence in Research (NCCR), University of Bern, 2012
- Game as Cultural Products: A Legal Assessment. Referat, 5th Conference of the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), WTI World Trade Institute, Utrecht, 2011
- Mapping the Fragmented Matrix of Trade, Culture and Intellectual Property in Global Law. Referat, -, Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2011
- Die UNESCO-Konvention zur kulturellen Vielfalt: Status, Akteure und Erwartungen. Referat, Interdisciplinary conference organized by the Swiss Academies of Social Sciences and Humanities (SAGW), University of Zurich, Zurich, 2011
- Global Cultural Law and Policy in the Age of Ubiquitous Internet. Referat, Bits without Borders: Law, Communications and Transnational Culture Flow in the Digital Age, Michigan State University, Michigan, 2010
- The Practical Reality of the Digital Divide beyond the Politics of Development. Referat, World Trade Forum: "Trade Governance in the Digital Age", WTI World Trade Institute, University of Bern, 2010
- Digital Technologies and Their Impact in the Context of International Trade. Referat, World Trade Forum: "Trade Governance in the Digital Age", WTI World Trade Institute, University of Bern, 2010
- Implementing the UNESCO Convention into EU's Internal Policies. Referat, A briefing note for the European Parliament Committee for Education and Culture, World Trade Institute WTI, Brussels, 2010
- Mapping the Fragmented Matrix of Trade, Culture and IP in Global Law. Referat, The International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, ISA International Studies Association, New Orleans, 2010
- The EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive and Cultural Diversity. Referat, International conference ‘Competition Policy and Regulation in Media Markets: Bridging Law and Economics’, Tilburg University, Tilburg, 2009
- Creativity in Virtual Worlds and its Restraints by Law. Referat, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Law and Society Association, Denver, 2009
- Intellectual Property Rights in the Digital Age. Referat, Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Law and Society Association, Denver, 2009
- Keep the Borders Fuzzy, Please: Trade and Culture in WTO Law and Policy. Referat, The WTO’s Fuzzy Borders, Graduate School, Geneva, Genf, 2009
- From Niches to Riches: The Anatomy of the Long Tail. Referat, journal club, World Trade Institute, Bern, 2009
- International and Regional AI Regulation. Präsentation, Trade Meets AI: Navigating in a “Digital New World”, Trade Policy Exchange, Online, 2024
- Legal Commentary of the E-Commerce JI. Präsentation, The WTO E-Commerce Agenda: A Post-MC13 Stock Take, Trade Law 4.0 (University of Lucerne) and Center on Inclusive Trade and Development (Georgetown Law), Online, 2024
- Human Rights Implications of Digital Trade Law’. Referat, Geneva Graduate Institute, Geneva Graduate Institute, Genf, 2023
- Sovereignty and the Law of Digital Trade. Referat, Digital Constitutionalism Summer School, Digital Constitutionalism Summer School, Florenz, 2023
- Human Rights Implications of Digital Trade Law. Referat, Law and Society Annual Meeting, Law and Society Annual Meeting, San Juan, 2023
- Europe’s Perspective on the Data Free Flow with Trust Proposal. Referat, Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), Washington DC, 2023
- Inclusive Digital Development. Referat, Rethinking World Trade 2023, Center on Inclusive Trade and Development, Georgetown Law, Georgetown, 2023
- Digital Technologies, E-Commerce, Regulatory Barriers, and Sustainable Development. Referat, Digital Innovation, Technology, and Trade Agenda, Villars Institute, Online, 2023
- Digital Trade Regulation: Mapping the Evolving Landscape. Referat, International Trade Institute, International Trade Institute, Online, 2023
- The Present and Future of Digital Trade Law: Reconciling Existing Models. Referat, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Online, 2023
- Data Governance. Workshop, Workshop for the government of Malawi, GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit, online, 2023
- Trends in Digital Trade Rule-Making. Workshop, Workshop for the government of Malawi, GIZ: Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit, online, 2023
- Digital Trade Models across Jurisdictions. Referat, UNCTAD-ESCAP Global online course on negotiating regional trade agreements for trade in times of crisis and pandemic, UNCTAD-ESCAP, online, 2021
- EU’s Digital Trade Policies’. Referat, World Trade Forum, EUI and WTI, Florenz, 2021
- Digital Transformation and Mobility. Präsentation, Panel, German Foreign Affairs Office, online, 2021
- What Are the Implications of Bill C-10 on Canadian Culture and Media? Referat, -, C.D. Howe Institute, online, 2021
- Adapting Trade Rules for the Digital Age: Approaches across Jurisdictions. Referat, TRIPS@25 Webinar, World Trade Organization, online, 2021
- Interfacing Privacy and Trade. Referat, APEC Symposium Supporting the WTO Negotiations on Trade Related Aspects of E-Commerce, APEC, online, 2021
- RCEP E-Commerce and the Governance of Digital Trade. Präsentation, The RCEP Agreement - 02/2021 SIEL Conversation, Society of International Economic Law (SIEL), online, 2021
- Big Data / Small World. Präsentation, Big Data, Small World - eine online Podiumsdiskussion des NFP 75, Museum für Kommunikation, Bern, 2021
- Digitization and International Trade Law. Präsentation, Does Digitization Create a New Type of International Law, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, 2021
- Regulating Data in Trade Agreements’. Präsentation, NFP75 Networking Event, National Research Programme 75 “Big Data” (NRP 75), Bern, 2020
- An Appraisal of the EFTA Model Chapter on E-Commerce. Moderation, EFTA Advisory Committees, EFTA, Genf, 2020
- The Governance of Big Data in Trade Agreements. Präsentation, NRP 75 Big Data Networking Symposium, Universität Basel, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Basel, 2020
- Global Governance in der Klimapolitik. Referat, Ringvorlesung Master "Weltgesellschaft & Weltpolitik", Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2019
- Fake News and Law’s Many Dilemmas. Referat, Computational Social Sciences and Digital Skills, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2019
- Preferential Treatment: Benefits and Challenges. Präsentation, Advancing Preferential Treatment for Culture, UNESCO, Bridgetown, 2019
- Preferential Treatment: A Historical Perspective. Präsentation, Advancing Preferential Treatment for Culture, UNESCO, Bridgetown, 2019
- Preferential Treatment in Trade Agreements. Präsentation, Advancing Preferential Treatment for Culture, UNESCO, Bridgetown, 2019
- Culture in the EU-CARIFORUM EPA. Präsentation, Culture in the CARIFORUM-European Union Economic Partnership Agreement, UNESCO, Bridgetown, 2019
- Introducing TAPED: A New Dataset on Digital Trade Norms in Preferential Trade Agreements. Präsentation, Multilateralism at Risk, World Trade Institute, University of Berne, Bern, 2019
- AI and IoT: Newer Developments in EU Law and Policy. Referat, Europaseminare, Europaseminare, Bern, 2019
- Fake News and Hate Speech on Online Platforms. Referat, Europaseminare, Europaseminare, Bern, 2019
- Emerging Rules on Data Flows in Preferential Trage Agreements. Präsentation, WIPO-UNIGE Summer School on IP (Researcher Workshop), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Trade Organization (WTO) and School of Law, University of Geneva (UNIGE), Genf, 2019
- Big Data and Trade Agreements. Präsentation, Summer School: Ethics, the Internet and the Society, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, University of Basel, Basel, 2019
- The Impact of he CARIFORUM-EU Trade Agreement on Cultural Diversity. Referat, Seventh Ordinary Session of the Conference of Parties to the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, UNESCO, Paris, 2019
- Privacy and International Trade Law. Präsentation, OUP Handbook Authors' Meeting, Canadian Embassy, Genf, 2019
- The Prospects of a Treaty on Digital Trade. Präsentation, SASS Center for Think Tank Studies for Year of 2019, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, 2019
- International Economic Law in the Era of Big Data: Interfacing Privacy Protection and Cross-border Data Flows. Präsentation, Global Economic Law Seminar, World Trade Institute, University of Berne, Bern, 2019
- Digital Trade Law. Präsentation, International Regulation on E-Commerce, World Trade Institute, University of Berne, Bern, 2019
- Technology, Data and Global Trade: New Pathways of Development. Referat, Ecommerce Week 2019: From Digitalization to Development, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Genf, 2019
- PTAs Frameworks for Telecommunications and Media Services: Path Dependences Still Remain. Referat, Coherence and Divergence in Agreements on Trade in Services, Universität Erlangen, Erlangen, 2019
- Governance of the Digital Economy under International Trade and Investment Law. Präsentation, International Investment Law Workshop, Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt, 2019
- Discoverability of Local, Regional and National Content. Referat, Expert Meeting organized by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and Canadian Heritage, Canadian Commission for UNESCO and Canadian Heritage, Ottawa, 2019
- Digital Transformation and Global Trade Law. Referat, ‘Digital Transformation: State of the Field’ Workshop, Columbia University, New York, 2018
- Future Perspectives on Digital Trade Regulation. Referat, ICTSD Delegations Meeting, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), Genf, 2018
- Understanding and Shaping Trade Rules for the Digital Economy. Impulsreferat, EFTA Parliamentary Session, European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Genf, 2018
- Aktuelle Themen aus dem Gebiet des EU-Internetrechts. Referat, Europaseminare der Universität Zürich, Universität Zürich, Haus der Kantone, Bern, 2017
- Die Strategie der EU für einen digitalen Binnenmarkt. Referat, Europaseminare der Universität Zürich, Universität Zürich, Zürich, 2016
- Netzneutralität in der EU und in der Schweiz. Referat, Europaseminare der Universität Zürich, Universität Zürich, Bern (Haus der Kantone), 2016
- Digital Trade and the International Economic Law: The Present State of Affairs and Prospects. Referat, Working Visit Chinese government delegation, World Trade Institute, Bern, 2016
- The Intellectual Property Chapter in the Transpacific Partnership Agreement. Referat, Interdisciplinary Workshop, World Trade Institute, 2016
- Rule-Making: Transnational Policy Networks and the South-South Diffusion of Novel Approaches to Intellectual Property Rights in India and Brazil. Referat, From Rule-takers to Rule-makers: Emerging Powers in the Regulation of International Trade, University of Geneva, Genf, 2016
- South-South IP Norms Diffusion. Referat, Emerging Countries in the Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health Nexus, Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva, Geneva, 2015
- South-South Norm Diffusion: Access to Health Policies in India and Brazil. Referat, Interdisciplinary workshop, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, 2015
- The Impact of the International Legal Framework, in particular the WTO and UNESCO, on the Pursuit of Cultural Diversity Objectives Online. Referat, European Audiovisual Observatory Expert Workshop: Promoting European Works in On-demand Audiovisual Services, University of Amsterdam, 2013
- Contemplating a Public Service Navigator. Referat, Exposure Diversity and Public Service Media, World Trade Institute and the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam, 2012
- Trade and Culture under the Conditions of Digital Media. Referat, International workshop, The Constitution of Cultural Property, University of Göttingen, 2012
- Power and the Internet: A Re-examination. Referat, Interdisciplinary workshop, Research Center for Information Law, University of St. Gallen and the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University, Montreux, 2012
- Research Methods in the Digitally Networked Information Age. Präsentation, Workshop organized by the University of St. Gallen and the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, University of St.Gallen and Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Brunnen, 2010
- Publishing a PhD Thesis: Making it a Gratifying Experience. Referat, doctoral workshop, World Trade Institute, Bern, 2009
- The State and Prospects of WTO E-Commerce Negotiations. *Uzbekistan lecture*, Tashkent/online, 2022
- Fake News and the Regulation of Platforms in the EU and the US. Veranstaltungsreihe: Soziale Medien und Menschenrechte, Luzern, 2022
- Data Governance and Trade Law: Understanding the Rule-Framework and Identifying Inequalities. Ringvorlesung Master "Global Studies", Luzern, 2022
- Data Governance in Trade Agreements: Evolution, Trends and Inequalities. Ringvorlesung Master "Weltgesellschaft & Weltpolitik", Luzern, 2021
- Global Trade Law. Ringvorlesung Master "Weltgesellschaft & Weltpolitik", Luzern, 2020
- Free Speech Online: Fake News. 8th. ELSA Day: Freedom of Expression Online, Luzern, 2019
- Global Trade Law and Culture: Interfaces, Contestations and Evolving Legal Design. Ringvorlesung Master "Weltgesellschaft & Weltpolitik", Luzern, 2019
- Current and Emerging Trends in Disruptive Technologies: Implications for the Present and Future of EU’s Trade Policy. Think Tank, Brussels, 2017
- The Regulation of Big Data and Trade Agreements. -, Bern (Kursaal), 2017
- Der Handel mit digitalen Dienstleistungen: Informationsfreiheit und Datenschutz im internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht. Bern, 2015
- Internet-induced Changes in Global Governance. University of Basel, 2014
- The WTO as a Global Media Governance Actor. University of Zurich, 2013
- Trade and Culture 3.0: Trade and the Future of Culture in the Digital Age. Zurich, 2012
- The Future of Public Service Broadcasting. -, Amsterdam, 2011
- «Open Science Preis» der Universität Luzern, Universität Luzern, 2024
- Anerkennungspreis des Luzerner Regierungsrats, Regierungsrat des Kantons Luzern, 2021
- ERC Consolidator Grant, European Research Council (ERC), 2020
- NFP 75 Grant, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF), 2017
- ERC Starting Grant (2nd stage), European Research Council (ERC), 2012
- Swiss Academies Award for Transdisciplinary Research, 2010
- Grant für die Verfassung der Habilitationsschrift, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds (SNF), 2009
- Professor Walther Hug Preis, 2007
- Stipendium, Oxford Internet Institute, Doktorandenprogramm, 2003
- Stipendium, Kanton Basel, 2000
- Journal of International Economic Law, 2017
- Journal of World Trade, 2017
- Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, 2017
- Computer Law and Security Review, 2017
- International Journal of Cultural Policy, 2017
- World Trade Advanced Studies Series, Brill, 2015
- International Journal of Cultural Property, 2013
- Society of International Economic Law, Mitglied, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, 2017–
- International Studies Association, Mitglied, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, 2017–
- American Society of International Law, Mitglied, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, 2012–
- Global Network of Interdisciplinary Internet and Society Research Centers, Founder and Member, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, 2012–
- Law and Society Association, Mitglied, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, 2005–
- Mitglied SNF Forschungsrat, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds SNF, 2022–
- Mitglied eines wissenschaftlichen Beirats, Magazin cognitio, 2017–
- Mitglied, Advisory Board European Law Students’ Association (ELSA), 2017–
- Vertreterin der nebenamtlichen Professoren der Rechtwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Bern, 2013–2018
- Mitglied Executive Committee, World Trade Institute (WTI), Universität Bern, 2011–2016
- wiss. Koordination Brown Bag Lunch Series of Scientific Talks, World Trade Institute (WTI), Universität Bern, 2014–2014
- Member of Expert Facility, EU/UNESCO, 2019–
- Expert of Aschberg Programme, UNESCO, 2017–
- Mitglied, European Expert Network on Culture and Audiovisual (EENCA), 2016–
- Jury-Mitglied "best doctoral thesis award", Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS), 2015–
- Expertin, e15 Initiative Digital Economy (ICTSD, IMD, Evian Group und World Economic Forum), 2015–
- Expertin, e15 Initiative Trade and Innovation (ICTSD, IMD, Evian Group und World Economic Forum), 2013–2018
- Expertin, Eidgenössische Medienkommission, 2015–2015
- Expertin für Internet Governance, Global Governance Reform Initiative, The Hague Institute for Global Justice, 2014–2014
- Expertin der Arbeitsgruppe für Internet Governance, Parlament und EDA, 2011–2014
- Rapporteur of Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), 2009–2009