Lend your help in creating a programme on the topic of ‘inclusion’. It doesn’t make a difference whether you are yourself affected by this issue or whether you are simply interested in the topic: you are exactly what we’re looking for. Students who can tell us what they would like to know and discuss in the context of inclusion. And above all, we would like to hear from students who despite their disabilities are able to study successfully or indeed have successfully completed their studies. In which ways did you receive support from the university and where is their further potential for development?
Please register with the ‘Office of Equal Opportunity’ by mid-June (chancengleichheitremove-this.@remove-this.unilu.ch) and help us create a programme for inclusion. The programme should be informative, fascinating, inspire courage, and should help us to advance this topic further as well as allow you to make new contacts.
(Ariane de Rocchi, Office of Equal Opportunity)
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