Starting Grant for a (Post-)Doc Position

The Department of Political Science at the University of Lucerne (CH) is offering a starting grant for the preparation of a research proposal. If successful, the proposal will lead to a four-year research position.


The starting grant covers a 75% position for eight (8) months during 2016. In collaboration with Prof. Joachim Blatter, the grant taker is supposed to prepare a joint research proposal which will be submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in order to gain a 4-year research grant. The University of Lucerne offers additional grants which are supposed to bridge the time between submitting proposals and the decision by the SNSF.

There is no fixed project yet; nevertheless, it is envisioned to lie within the field that is spanned out by the following conceptual poles: normative theories of democracy and democracy measurement tools (especially V-Dem); transnationalism and cosmopolitanism, citizenship and migration. Information about the current research of the Department of Political Science in Lucerne, is available here.

The Starting Grant is open for candidates with an MA, aiming at a doctorate and for those who have already received their PhD. For further information, please contact Joachim Blatter, Applications with a CV and a brief sketch of project ideas (one, max. two pages) should be sent to the same e-mail address.Deadline for applications: 2.1. 2016.

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