Dorothea Kirmeß

Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Antonius Liedhegener)



Dorothea Kirmeß has studied social sciences and religious studies at the University of Erfurt (B.A.) as well as political science, also in combination with religious studies, at the University of Göttingen (M.A.). During her studies, she participated in the master`s programme “Religion – Economics – Politics” at the University of Lucerne for one semester while also being enrolled at the University of Zurich. She gained practical experience at institutions at the interface of politics and religion in Berlin and Geneva. During her bachelor`s studies, she worked as student assistant and tutor at the chair of “General Religious Studies” at the University of Erfurt. At the time of her master`s studies, she gained research experience as assistant in the project “Forgotten Minorities – The Integrative Achievement of Christian Migration Churches” at the chair of “Religious Studies/ Social Scientific Studies of Religion” at the University of Göttingen. Following her master`s degree, she continued working for the same chair on the project “Rooms of Quiet in Schools”. For her dissertation project at the Graduate School, she is doing research on the representation of interests of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Catholic Church in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Subject of the dissertation project:
“The Churches and Political Decision-Making. A Comparative Study on Success and Failure of the Political Representation of Interests of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Catholic Church in Germany.”