Zachary Candy
- The Rise and Fall of the Equivocity of Existence in Kalām, 11th-14th centuries. (Panel-)Beitrag, Avicenna, Avicennism(s), and the Later Philosophical Traditions, LMU-Munich, Orient-Institut Beirut, Munich, 2024
- Maximus the Confessor on the Motion of Universals and Particulars. (Panel-)Beitrag, XIX. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Board of Directors of the Oxford Patristics Conference, Oxford, 2024
- Doubts on the Summa Genera: Abū l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī and Suhrawardī’s Critique of the Non-Univocity of Existence. (Panel-)Beitrag, Hopkins Seminar in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 2023
- Between Equivocity and Monism: Avicenna, Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī, and Ḥaydar Āmulī on Unqualified Existence [wujūd muṭlaq]. (Panel-)Beitrag, 11th International Conference of the Société Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences et de la Philosophie Arabes et Islamiques (SIHSPAI), Société Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences et de la Philosophie Arabes et Islamiques, Munich, 2023
- The Unity of Existence as Monism? Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī (d. 1274) and Ḥaydar Āmulī (fl. 1385) on Unqualified Existence [wujūd muṭlaq]. (Panel-)Beitrag, Annual International Conference of the Aquinas and "the Arabs" International Working Group, Aquinas and "the Arabs" International Working Group, Istanbul, 2023
- The Reception of Arabic Animal Fables in Petrus Alfonsi’s Disciplina Clericalis. (Panel-)Beitrag, Animals in Greek, Arabic, and Latin Philosophy, LMU-Munich (Adamson, Peter; Tuominen, Miira), Munich, 2023
- From Focal Homonymy to the Ambiguity of Existence. (Panel-)Beitrag, 1st Berlin-Munich-Tübingen Graduate Workshop on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, HU-Berlin, LMU-Munich, EKU-Tübingen, Berlin, 2023