Davide Falessi
- Aristotle in Greek, Arabic and Latin on the Senses of Being. Remarks on Some Transformations of Metaphysics Δ7 Across Three Philosophical Traditions. (Panel-)Beitrag, Arabic and Latin Theories of the Senses of Being, University of Lucerne, Lucerne, 2024
- John Buridan on the ens per se (In Metaph. V 7, MS Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 516). (Panel-)Beitrag, Arabic and Latin Theories of the Several Senses of Being, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2024
- On the Several Senses of Being in Late Medieval Philosophy: some remarks on Methodology. (Panel-)Beitrag, Séminaire doctoral de Hilary Term, Maison Française d'Oxford, Oxford, 2024
- Being per se and being per accidens contra Ockham. Realist Arguments against the Nominalist Interpretation of Metaphysics V 7. (Panel-)Beitrag, Workshop: Arabic and Latin Theories of the Several Senses of Being, Giovanni Ventimiglia, Marta Borgo, Iacopo Costa, Davide Falessi, Mostafa Najafi, Lucerne, 2024
- Complexe Significabile and Ens ut Verum. The Ontological Foundation of the Complexly Signifiable through Being as True. (Panel-)Beitrag, Truth, Falsity, and Lying - XXIV European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics, Fabrizio Amerini and Irene Binini, Parma, 2024
- Aristotle in Greek, Arabic and Latin on the Senses of Being. Remarks on Some Transformations of Metaphysics Δ7 Across Three Philosophical Traditions. (Panel-)Beitrag, 1973-2023: Celebrating Half a Century of Aristoteles Latinus in Leuven, Institute of Philosophy (KU Leuven), Leuven, 2023
- Aristotle in Greek, Arabic and Latin on the Senses of Being. Remarks on Some Transformations of Metaphysics Δ7 Across Three Philosophical Traditions. (Panel-)Beitrag, 1973-2023: Celebrating Half a Century of Aristoteles Latinus in Leuven, Aristoles Latinus - Leuven University (Bobovnik, Nena; Crialesi, Clelia; Clesse, Grégory; Devriese, Lisa), Leuven, 2023
- Aquinas and Scotus on Metaphysics Δ 7, 1017a 22-30. (Panel-)Beitrag, Kolloquium: Forschung im Fokus: Philosophie 500 - 1500, Professor Marteen Hoenen, Professor Nadja Germann, Freiburg im Breisgau, 2023
- Thinking about Being, Existence, and Nothingness: Why ‘Every thing’ is not ‘Everything’ (among other ‘thing’s). (Panel-)Beitrag, Logic Colloquium 2023, Stefano Aguzzoli, Marcello D’Agostino, Camillo Fiorentini, Miriam Franchella, Silvio Ghilardi, Hykel Hosni, Lorenzo Luperi Baglini, Vincenzo Marra, Alberto Momigliano, Giuseppe Primiero, Ekaterina Kubyshkina, Francesco Genco, Francesca Doneda, Chiara Manganini, Costanza Larese, Greta Coraglia, Esther Corsi, Giovanni Duca, Alberto Termine, Milan, 2023
- Ockham’s reduction of accidental being and per se being to modal propositions. (Panel-)Beitrag, Logic and Modalities in the Late Middle Ages, Fabrizio Amerini Barbara Bartocci Irene Binini Laurent Cesalli Viola Tosi, Parma, 2022
- William of Ockham on Continuity and God’s Power. A Radical Rejection of Indivisibles in a Continuum. (Panel-)Beitrag, XVth International Congress of SIEPM La pensée radicale au Moyen Age / Radical thinking in the Middle Ages, Monica Brinzei, Irene Caiazzo, Isabelle Draelants, Christophe Grellard, Aurélien Robert, Antoine Altieri, Olga Cortés, Paris, 2022
- Ockham on Formal Contingency. (Panel-)Beitrag, XXIII European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics. Time, Tense, and Modality, Magdalena Bieniak, Krystyna Krauze-Błachowicz, Wojciech Wciórka, Marcin Trepczyński, Warsaw, 2022
- The Ockhamist Modal Hexagon. (Panel-)Beitrag, Square 2022: 7th World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Jean-Yves Beziau, Lorenz Demey, Maarten Van Dyck, Dany Jaspers, Bert Leuridan, Hans Smessaert, Peter Verdée., Leuven, KU, 2022
- On the Several Senses of Being in Late Medieval Philosophy. Poster, Swiss Philosophy Doctoral Students Day, Faculty of Philosophy, Basel, Basel, 2022