International Conference on Theology and Leadership

The University of Lucerne with its Professorship of Pastoral Theology and Institute of Leadership and Social Ethics (ILSE) of the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium (ETF) organized a 2-day international conference on the topic of Leadership and Theology.

The curtain has closed on a fantastic two-day conference at the Universität Luzern . We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our collaboration partner, the Institute of Leadership and Social Ethics (ETF Leuven), for their invaluable support in organizing this event.


A special thank you to our generous sponsors, whose contributions made this conference possible . We are incredibly grateful for your support.

  • Katholische Kirche im Kanton Zürich
  • Römisch-Katholische Synode des Kanton Solothurn
  • Katholischer Konfessionsteil des Kantons St. Gallen
  • Katholische Kirchgemeinde Cham-Hünenberg
  • Kirchgemeinde Baar

We also want to express our deepest gratitude to our keynote speakers, who shared their insights and expertise, enriching our understanding of spirit-filled leadership . Your contributions were truly inspiring as were the spirit-filled contributions of all speakers and scientists.

Finally, a big thank you to all our attendees . Your participation, engagement, and thoughtful discussions made this conference a resounding success. We look forward to continuing the conversations and collaborations initiated here.

Conference program

The conference is organized by the University of Lucerne with its Professorship of Pastoral Theology (Prof. Dr. Christian Preidel, Dr. oec. HSG Patrick Renz) and Institute of Leadership and Social Ethics, ILSE (Prof. Dr. Steven van den Heuvel, Prof. Dr. Jack Barentsen) of the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium (ETF).

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