International Conference on Theology and Leadership
The University of Lucerne with its Professorship of Pastoral Theology and Institute of Leadership and Social Ethics (ILSE) of the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium (ETF) organized a 2-day international conference on the topic of Leadership and Theology.
The curtain has closed on a fantastic two-day conference at the Universität Luzern . We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our collaboration partner, the Institute of Leadership and Social Ethics (ETF Leuven), for their invaluable support in organizing this event.
A special thank you to our generous sponsors, whose contributions made this conference possible . We are incredibly grateful for your support.
- Katholische Kirche im Kanton Zürich
- Römisch-Katholische Synode des Kanton Solothurn
- Katholischer Konfessionsteil des Kantons St. Gallen
- Katholische Kirchgemeinde Cham-Hünenberg
- Kirchgemeinde Baar
- Katholische Kirche im Kanton Luzern
- Kirchgmeinde Katholische Kirche Stadt Zug
We also want to express our deepest gratitude to our keynote speakers, who shared their insights and expertise, enriching our understanding of spirit-filled leadership . Your contributions were truly inspiring as were the spirit-filled contributions of all speakers and scientists.

Finally, a big thank you to all our attendees . Your participation, engagement, and thoughtful discussions made this conference a resounding success. We look forward to continuing the conversations and collaborations initiated here.
- Luzerner Zeitung: Zu wenig Spirit in der Führung? Die «Internationale Tagung zu Leadership und Theologie» in Luzern griff ein Thema auf, das
allgemein noch wenig präsent ist, aber von grossem Nutzen sein kann – nicht nur für die Kirche. weiter lesen - «Es ist erstaunlich, dass Theologie und Leadership erst jetzt zum Thema wird» An der internationalen Konferenz zu Theologie und Leadership, welche kürzlich an der Universität Luzern durchgeführt wurde, diskutierten Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen ihre Forschungsergebnisse. Patrick Renz*, einer der Organisatoren, erklärt im Gespräch, warum die theologische Sichtweise auf Leadership nicht nur für die Kirche einen klaren Nutzen bringt. weiter lesen
- Uni News: Neue Weiterbildungen verbinden Theologie mit Leadership Die Theologische Fakultät erweitert ihr Weiterbildungsangebot um zwei neue CAS-Programme sowie einen MAS-Lehrgang. Die Weiterbildungen kombinieren Führungsausbildung mit Spiritualität. Diesen Herbst starten die ersten Kurse. weiter lesen
- Willisauer Bote: Theologie und Leadership: Auf den ersten Blick denkt man an Fragen der Führung in der Kirche. Doch in den letzten Jahren ist dieses Thema zunehmend in den Vordergrund gerückt, und das Bewusstsein für die Notwendigkeit einer intensiveren Auseinandersetzung damit ist gewachsen. Theologie bietet jedoch weit mehr: Sie kann Führungskräfte aus Wirtschaft, Verwaltung und Non-Profit-Organisationen wesentlich dabei unterstützen, ihre Aufgaben kompetent und sinnorientiert zu erfüllen. weiter lesen
Instructions for presenters:
- Presentation slots of 30 minutes are calculated. Please count 25 minutes (15 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A). 5 minutes are reserved for the preparation of the succeeding speaker.
- PowerPoint or PDF are possible, and a laptop will be made available at the presenter’s desk. Please bring your presentation to the conference on a USB stick.
- Please also upload the presentation as a .pptx or .pdf file for backup in advance via the following link - by noon on June 17, 2024.
- Filename: “AuthorName1_Short Title_Date”.
Publication guidelines for authors:
- Please upload your text by August 31, 2024 using the link below.
- Number of words: 5’000 words maximum (footnotes and references included).
- Process: Selection process with double blind peer reviews.
- Publication: In a book series. Currently in negotiation with Springer or Routledge.
- Style guide: Please follow the American Psychological Association 7 (APA 7) style guide for formatting and referencing (“”).
- Please be aware that the author guidelines might be subject to change, depending on the publisher.
University of Lucerne | Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven |
Patrick Renz | Jack Barentsen | | |
The conference is organized by the University of Lucerne with its Professorship of Pastoral Theology (Prof. Dr. Christian Preidel, Dr. oec. HSG Patrick Renz) and Institute of Leadership and Social Ethics, ILSE (Prof. Dr. Steven van den Heuvel, Prof. Dr. Jack Barentsen) of the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium (ETF).
Traditionally, models of leadership were built on a command-and-control framework, which then developed into more relational models. However, there is a wide-spread sense that these frames of leadership no longer function very well in a postmodern, digital age. Currently, the field of leadership studies suffers “from theory proliferation or theorria”. Moreover, leadership theories turn out to have significant dark sides.
The search is on for a different narrative of leadership. Leadership theories need better theoretical, epistemological, and empirical grounding. A fundamental question for more fruitful grounding is, “What is the S/spirit of our leadership?” This question queries the underlying motivations and powers that drive and structure our leadership. It is the question of the conference. The topic is both religious (“Spirit”), and more general since the spirit of the age marks, even permeates our organizations and their leadership.
This conference is designed for (but not limited to):
- Understanding the S/spirit of the current theory and practice of leadership.
- Exploring old and new approaches to S/spirit-filled leadership.
- Discovering dimensions and qualities of S/spirit-filled leadership.
- Experimenting with old and new practices of S/spirit-filled leadership.
See the detailed call for proposals.
University of Lucerne | Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven |
Patrick Renz | Jack Barentsen | | |