Die Schweiz hat über 120 bilaterale Investitionsschutzabkommen (ISA) abgeschlossen. Mit diesen Staatsverträgen haben sich die Vertragsparteien gegenseitig verpflichtet, Direktinvestitonen von natürlichen und juristischen Personen der anderen Vertragspartei zu schützen. Insbesondere ist es den Staaten untersagt, Investitionen ohne Entschädigung zu enteignen oder andere eigentumsbeschränkende oder diskriminierende Massnahmen zu treffen. Betroffene Investoren können unter den ISA einen direkten Schadenersatzanspruch gegenüber dem Staat geltend machen. Zu diesem Zweck enthalten die meisten ISA ein Streitbeilegungsmechanismus in Form von Schiedsverfahren. Das WIRE beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten des Investitionsschutzes und der internationalen Streitbeilegung.
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Diebold, RA, LL.M.
Ordinarius für Öffentliches Recht und Wirtschaftsrecht
T +41 41 229 53 40 • Raum 4.B18 • nicolas.diebold @
Mehr Infos zu Nicolas Diebold
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Heselhaus
Ordinarius für Europarecht, Völkerrecht, Öffentliches Recht und Rechtsvergleichung
T +41 41 229 53 84 • Raum 4.B14 • sebastian.heselhaus @
Mehr Infos zu Prof. Dr. Sebastian Heselhaus
Prof. Dr. Mira Burri
Managing Director • Steering Committee Internationalisation (SCI)
T +41 41 229 53 71 • Room 4.A30 • mira.burri @
Mehr Infos zu Prof. Dr. iur. Mira Burri
Electronic Database of Investment Treaties (EDIT)
Dr. Rodrigo Polanco
EDIT is a new systematic database on international investment agreements, aimed to complement existing endeavors. Treaty texts were collected, digitized and non-English texts translated (through machine translation software and also manually). Texts were prepared in a single format (XML) which allows to search and mine information out of them with more detail, as well as do annotations on their text, including metadata (parties, dare of signature, etc…), as well as automated and manual labelling by categories. EDIT was created with the funding of the SNIS Project “Diffusion of International Law: A Textual Analysis of International Investment Agreements” and the support of the World Bank.
Global Value Chains and Provisions in PTAs
Dr. Rodrigo Polanco
This project builds on the existing Design of Trade Agreements dataset and uses inputs from the EDIT dataset on bilateral investment treaties and the Governance of Big Data in Trade Agreements project. It codes over 180 variables on areas such as global value chains (GVCs), investment, market access for goods and services e-commerce and data flows in over 600 PTAs. The project partner is the OECD.
- Diebold Nicolas, Standards of Non-discrimination in International Economic Law, in: International & Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ) 4/2011, S. 830–865
- Polanco Rodrigo, The Chilean Experience in South-South Trade and Investment Agreements, in “Reconceptualizing International Investment Law from the Global South” (Fabio Morosini and Michelle Ratton Sanchez Badin, editors), Cambridge University Press, October 2017, pp. 95-145.
- Polanco Rodrigo, Beyond ICSID Arbitration - The Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes of UNASUR, in “Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy 2014-2015” (Andrea K. Bjorklund, ed.), Oxford University Press, October 2016, pp. 375-404.
- Polanco Rodrigo, International Investment Law in Latin America, Nijhoff International Investment Law Series, Brill/Nijhoff, March 2016, co-edited with Attila Tanzi, Alessandra Asteriti, and Paolo Turrini, ISBN13: 9789004311466. In the same book: Two worlds apart: the changing features of international investment agreements in Latin America (Chapter), pp. 68-97.
- Polanco Rodrigo, The Role of the State in Investor-State Arbitration, Nijhoff International Investment Law Series, Brill/Nijhoff, November 2014, co-edited with Shaheeza Lalani, ISBN 978-90-04-28224-7.
- Does an Arbitrator’s Background Influence the Outcome of an Investor-State Arbitration?, The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 17, (July 2018), doi:, co-authored with Valentino Desilvestro, pp. 18-48.
- Polanco Rodrigo, Missing Investment Treaties, Journal of International Economic Law, 25 May 2018,, co-authored with Valentino Desilvestro and Azernoosh Bazrafkan, pp. 1-29.
- Polanco Rodrigo, Systems of Legal Defence Used by Latin American Countries in Investment Disputes, The Journal of World Investment and Trade, Volume 17, Issue 4 (September 2016), pp. 562 – 593.
- Polanco Rodrigo, The No of Tokyo Revisited: Or How Developed Countries Learned to Start Worrying and Love the Calvo Doctrine, ICSID Review – Foreign Investment Law Journal. International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), Oxford University Press. Vol. 30 No. 1, Winter 2015, doi:10.1093/icsidreview/siu028, pp. 172–193.
- Sieber-Gasser Charlotte, The Principle of Proportionality in International Law: Foundations and Variations, Journal of World Investment & Trade, S. 628-672, mit Thomas Cottier, Roberto Echandi, Rachel Liechti-McKee und Tetyana Payosova
- Sieber-Gasser Charlotte, Trade, Investment and Migration, Coherence through Policy Alignment, in: M. Panizzon, G. Züricher und E. Fornalé (Hrsg.), The Palgrave Handbook of International Labour Migration, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, mit Thomas Cottier
- Sieber-Gasser Charlotte, Legal Aspects of Sino-African Tied Aid, in: E. Laryea, N. Madolo und F. Sucker (Hrsg.), International Economic Law: Voices of Africa, Siber Ink, 2012