Masterinfoabend Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften 25. März 2025Stefan Leins (University of Bern): Good trader, bad trader: Moral positioning and justifications of work practices among commodity traders. 25. März 2025Jethro Norman (Danish Institute for International Studies): Military Afterlives: Private Security Contractors in East Africa. 18. März 2025Bachelorinfoabend der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät 12. März 2025Teklehaymanot G. Weldemichel (Global Development Institute, University of Manchester): “We are alive, but we are not living”: Ceasefire as a Form of Violence in Tigray. 11. März 2025Pascale Schild (swisspeace/University of Basel). Beyond identities? Political solidarities with and within the Kashmiri freedom movement in Britain. 4. März 2025Paula Bialski (University St Gallen), Good-Enoughing: software work cultures at a Middle Tech company. 25. Februar 2025Prof. Dr. Jelena Tosic (Universität St. Gallen): Making Life in “Also-Europe”: Care, Contribution, and Re-entangling Perspectives on Migration in Europe 17. Dezember 2024Dr. Stefan Ecks (University of Edinburgh): Embodied Value: Theorizing the Intersection between Medical and Economic Anthropology 10. Dezember 2024Dr. Silke Oldenburg (Geneva Graduate Institute): Wetland Politics: Social Belonging, Racialized Politics, and Urban Environmental Futures in Cartagena, Colombia 3. Dezember 2024