Prof. Dr. Lena Maria Schaffer
Professorin für Politikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Inter- und Transnationale Beziehungen
T+41 41 229 55 95
lena.schaffer @
Frohburgstrasse 3, Raum 3.B10
Lena Maria Schaffer, geboren am 04. Dezember 1979 in Schorndorf (D), studierte Verwaltungswissenschaft an den Universitäten Konstanz, Warwick (UK) und Bologna (IT). Sie ist seit Juli 2014 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Internationale Politik. Ihre Promotion hat sie an der ETH Zürich zum Thema "Voluntary climate change initiatives in the U.S.: Analyzing participation in space and time" verfasst. Nach Abschluss ihrer Dissertation war Lena Maria Schaffer als Postdoktorandin in der Forschungsgruppe „Internationale Beziehungen“ an der ETH Zürich in verschiedenen Projekten im Bereich Klimapolitik und Trade Governance tätig. Nach einer weiteren Station als Post-Doc an der Universität Konstanz (2014-2016), lehrt und forscht Sie ab dem Herbstsemester 2016 als Assistenzprofessorin und ab dem Herbstsemester 2022 als ordentliche Professorin für Inter- und Transnationale Beziehungen an der Universität Luzern.
- Comparative Energy Transition Policy: How Exposure, Policy Vulnerability and Trust Affect Popular Acceptance of Policy Expansion. (2024). Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice.
- Bayer, P., & Schaffer, L. M. (2024). Popular support for a carbon border adjustment mechanism: Evidence from four European countries. Environmental Research Letters.
- Who’s afraid of more ambitious climate policy? How distributional implications shape policy support and compensatory preferences. (2023). Environmental Politics.
- Koubi, V., Schaffer, L., Spilker, G., & Bohmelt, T. (2022). Climate events and the role of adaptive capacity in (im)mobility. Population and Environment, (43), 367–392.
- Climate events and the role of adaptive capacity for (im-)mobility. (2022). Population and Environment, 43 (3).
- Schaffer, L. M., & Umit, R. (2022). Public Support for National vs. International Climate Change Obligations. Journal of European Public Policy. Abgerufen von
- The electoral importance and evolution of climate‐related energy policy: evidence from Switzerland; The electoral importance and evolution of climate-related energy policy: evidence from Switzerland. (2022). Swiss Political Science Review.
- Umit, R., & Schaffer, L. M. (2022). Wind Turbines, Public Acceptance, and Electoral Outcomes. Swiss Political Science Review.
- Schaffer, L. M., Oehl, B., & Bernauer, T. (2021). Are policymakers responsive to public demand in climate politics? Journal of Public Policy.
- Yazici, R. Ü., & Schaffer, L. M. (2020). Attitudes towards carbon taxes across Europe: The role of perceived uncertainty and self-interest. Energy Policy.
- Schaffer, L. M., & Spilker, G. (2019). Self-interest vs. Sociotropic Considerations: An Information-based Perspective to Understanding Individuals’ Trade Preferences. Review of International Political Economy.
- Koubi, V., Böhmelt, T., Spilker, G., & Schaffer, L. (2018). The Determinants of Environmental Migrants’ Conflict Perception. International Organization, 72 (4), 905–936.
- Oehl, B., Schaffer, L. M., & Bernauer, T. (2017). How to measure public demand for policies when there is no appropriate survey data? Journal of Public Policy, 37 (2), 1–32.
- Schaffer, L., & Spilker, G. (2016). Adding Another Level: Individual Responses to Globalization and Government Welfare Policies. Political Science Research and Methods, 4 (2), 399–426.
- Koubi, V., Spilker, G., Schaffer, L., & Bernauer, T. (2016). Environmental Stressors and Migration: Evidence from Vietnam. World Development, 79, 197–210.
- Schaffer, L., & Bernauer, T. (2014). Explaining Government Choices for Promoting Renewable Energy. Energy Policy, 68, 15–27.
- Spilker, G., Schaffer, L., & Bernauer, T. (2012). Does Social Capital Increase Public Support for Economic Globalization? European Journal of Political Research, 51 (6), 756–784.
- Hofmann, T., & Schaffer, L. (2009). Einmal Frieden und zurück? Friedensmissionen und die wiederkehrende Eskalation innerstaatlicher Gewalt. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 34.
- Schneider, G., & Schaffer, L. (2005). Die Prognosegüte von Wahlbörsen und Meinungsumfragen zur Bundestagswahl 2005. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 45 (4), 674–681.
- Schaffer, L. M., & Levis, A. (2021). Public Discourses on (Sectoral) Energy Policy in Switzerland: Insights from Structural Topic Models. In Hettich, Peter & Kachi, Aya (Hrsg.), Swiss Energy Governance. Cham: Springer Nature.
- Schaffer, L. (2021). The Politics of Green Taxation. In Hakelberg, Lukas & Seelkopf, Laura (Hrsg.), Handbook on the Politics of Taxation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Schaffer, L., & Bernauer, T. (2012). Climate Change Governance. In Levi-Faur, David (Hrsg.), The Oxford Handbook of Governance (S. 441–456). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Abgerufen von
- Schaffer, L. M., & Umit, R. (18. März 2025). Do they realize? Understanding individuals’ preferences towards energy transition.
- Schaffer, L. M., & Lüth, M. (13. November 2023). Domestic Political Consequences of Climate Change: The Evolving Party Competition over Climate and Energy Policy (OSF preprints). Abgerufen von
- Schaffer, L. M., & Spilker, G. (19. August 2023). Should They Stay or Should They Commute? Explaining Individual Preferences towards Labor Migration (OSF Preprint).
- Schaffer, L. M., & Spilker, G. (2020). Individual Labor Migration Preferences: Culture, Context or Competition?
- Koubi, V. (2019). Environmental Migration: Vulnerability, Adaptation, and Trapped Populations: at the revise and resubmit stage for publication.
- Schaffer, L. M., & Umit, R. (18. Dezember 2018). Public Support for National vs. International Climate Change Obligations.