Enabling ‘AI’? The situated production of commensurabilities

Florian Jaton (Geneva Graduate Institute), Philippe Sormani (Zürcher Hochschule der Künste)

Im Rahmen des Kolloquiums Sozialforschung

Datum: 9. Oktober 2024
Zeit: 16.15 Uhr bis 17.45 Uhr
Ort: Universität Luzern, Frohburgstrasse 3, 3.B47

How can we examine so-called «artificial intelligence» (AI) without turning our backs on the Science & Technology Studies (STS) tradition that questions both notions of artificiality and intelligence? Here, we attempt a step to the side: Instead of considering AI as something that does or does not exist (and then taking a position on its benefits or harms), we propose to document, in an empirical and agnostic way, the performances that make, sometimes, AI appear or disappear in situation. And it comes out, from this perspective, that AI could be considered a vast commensuration undertaking.