PhD in Health Sciences
For doctoral studies, the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine offers a flexible and intensively supervised doctoral program.
Before you can register for the PhD Program, you need the approval of a supervisor from among the professors of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine. Please contact a potential supervisor first.
For students to the University of Lucerne, it is necessary to use the online registration.
If you are starting a PhD in Health Sciences at the University of Lucerne directly after completing your Master's degree at the University of Lucerne, please register by e-mail to the student services team. If you are not starting your PhD in the following semester, you must register online.
The following deadlines apply to doctoral registrations:
August 31 for the coming fall semester
January 31 for the coming spring semester
The admission to the PhD Program is regulated by the study and examination committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine. The admission requirements can be found in the PhD Regulations. The admission decision will be communicated by email.
Language skills: You should have a very good knowledge of English; knowledge of German is not required.
The first supervisor is responsible for the academic supervision. This person must be chosen from among the professors of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine. Without a written supervision agreement, which is co-authored and signed by a first supervisor, the admission to the PhD Program is not possible.
The second supervisor must be a person with a doctorate degree or higher from another faculty or different university.
The doctoral performance to be achieved consists of the academic performance (at least 18 ECTS credits), the thesis, the defense and the publication of the thesis.
Course selection
All courses (see Course program) offer ECTS credits and contribute to the 18 ECTS credit requirement.
External courses can also be attended after consultation with the supervisor.
Course program Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS)
Course program SGGÖ
Course program Campus Luzern
Course program SSPH+
Course program Graduate Academy
Meet to Write (Uni Basel)
The supervisor meets with the PhD student at least once a year to evaluate the progress of the dissertation. In particular, the development of the research work and the earned course credits are evaluated based on the goals set for current year. Goals for the following year are also established.
A leave of absence from the doctoral study is generally possible. Applications must be submitted in written form to the Study Center (phd_health) by September 15 (for the fall semester) and February 15 (for the spring semester). @
Please note the following:
- A leave of absence is granted for a maximum of two semesters.
- During this time there are no matriculation fees.
- No academic achievements can be earned.
- It is not possible to participate in courses.
- No applications for financial support from the faculty can be made.
- No applications for the opening of the doctoral procedure can be made.
ECTS credits
For all courses with earned ECTS credits, written documentation is required to ensure that the requirements according to § 4, number 1 of the Guide to PhD Regulations are fulfilled. The minimum number of credits to be earned during the doctoral studies is 18 ECTS credits (according to § 7, number 1 of the Guide to PhD Regulations). Usually these credits consist of participation in elective modules (in the amount of at least 6 ECTS) and in elective modules, which are announced at the beginning of each semester.
Application for the opening of the doctoral procedure
The doctoral procedure is opened at the candidate's request. The application must be submitted in writing to the head of the faculty and submitted to the Study Center by email to phd_health. @
The following documents (as pdf-files) must be enclosed with the application:
- PhD thesis
- a declaration by the candidate that he or she has independently written the submitted dissertation, that he or she has only used the specified aids when writing the dissertation and that he or she has marked passages that have been adopted either literally or in content as such a statement as to whether the dissertation has already been submitted to a university in the current or another version
- proof of academic achievements of at least 18 ECTS credits
- proof of matriculation for the duration of the doctoral studies (can be requested from Study Services)
After the successfully contested defense, a temporary certificate is issued. After publication of the dissertation, the PhD Student is awarded as Doctor of Science (Dr. sc.). A certificate and diploma will be issued for the doctoral work.
Questions about the doctoral program
I am interested in the PhD Program in Health Sciences. From the admission guidelines it can be seen that with a Master of Science degree from a university of applied sciences (90 ECTS) additional ECTS must be shown. How and at what time can these be acquired?
The doctoral regulations distinguish between admission with conditions (achievements to be made before entry) and admission with conditions (achievements to be made during the doctorate) - see also § 5, para. 5:
For a Master's degree with 90 ECTS, an additional 30 ECTS must be completed. If ECTS have already been acquired at a Swiss or foreign university, the study center will check this and, if necessary, also count these ECTS.
What costs can I expect during the doctoral program?
The Study Services of the University of Lucerne have prepared an overview: Application and Admission - University of Lucerne (
And the Student Advisory Service of the University of Lucerne provides more info on general financial questions at the following link: Financial and Budgeting Advice - University of Lucerne (
Dr. med. Christian Schirlo, MME
Director Study Center
Colette Lenherr
Administrative Coordinator
PhD in Health Sciences
phd_health @
Liaison PhD Students:
- Céline Lenherr - celine.lenherr @
- Jasmin Mahler - jasmin.mahler @
- Anna Romanova - anna.romanova @
- Chantal Wunderlin - chantal.wunderlin @
The PhD Liaisons represent doctoral researchers, ensuring their concerns and needs are communicated to the faculty administration. We gather and respond to student feedback and provide networking and capacity-building opportunities for doctoral candidates. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email any of us.