Prof. Sara Rubinelli, PhD

Foto Sara Rubinelli

Professor of Health Sciences with a focus in Health Communication

T +41 41 229 56 33 • Alpenquai 4, Room 12 •



Sara Rubinelli holds a degree in Classics and Philosophy from the Catholic University of Milan (I) and a PhD from the University of Leeds (UK) in the areas of argumentation theory, persuasion and rhetoric. Since September 2009 she is Scientific Coordinator of the Human Functioning Unit at Swiss Paraplegic Research (CH) and leads there the Person-Centered Healthcare Group. Currently, she is Professor in Health Sciences with a focus in health communication at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine at the University of Lucerne. Her main research and teaching topics include: interpersonal communication, (health) behaviour change, social marketing and health campaigns, society in the information age, communication for education, empowerment and personal growth, professional communication and public speaking, philosophy of science and theories and models of health and well-being. Since September 2017 she is President of the European Association for Communication in Healthcare (EACH).

Curriculum Vitae Sara Rubinelli