Member Fees
Why has an invoice been issued?
The fee of CHF 15.- per semester is charged for the tasks and projects of the Mid-level Organisation University of Lucerne (MOL). Members of the MOL are all persons of the academic mid-level after the Master's degree and before the professorship, i.e. all doctoral students, research assistants, senior assistants and postdocs as well as teaching and research assistants.
Your membership of the MOL is regulated in §24 of the Act on University Higher Education (University Act) of 17 January 2000, the MOL statutes then also state this in §5 and stipulate that the membership fee is determined at the General Assembly (GA) in accordance with §14. At our last GA, we then set this at CHF 15.- per semester, analogous to the previous SOL contribution, which doctoral students pay with the enrolment fee.
Who is the MOL?
The Mid-level Organisation University of Lucerne (MOL) is the political representation of all members of the academic mid-level at university level and in public. Our task is to provide all members of the academic mid-level with working conditions that allow them to achieve their professional and academic goals. We do this, for example, by representing the interests of the academic mid-level at university level in the central committees and commissions, e.g. in the Senate, the Research Commission or the Equal Opportunities Commission. In addition, we make available relevant knowledge on our website, we represent interests in public and organise events regularly.
What is the money used for?
The budget is mainly used in three areas: events for the academic mid-level, e.g. MOL meetings, workshops or information events; compensation for the board members: we receive CHF 1'000.- per year for our work; for communication, e.g. flyers or the website.
What happens if I have not paid the invoice?
The finance and accounting department will send a reminder if an invoice has not been paid. If you have any questions about invoicing or the MOL, you are welcome to contact one of the MOL board members directly: Tess Bardy (GMF for VPF), Katharina Dölp (WF), Matteo Frey (TF), Lea Keller (RF, treasurer), Aline Leimann (RF), Alexander Ort (GMF), Antonia Steigerwald (KSF). Or you can write to and the office will forward your request to the right person.
With warm regards,
MOL Board and Office