Dear members of the MOL
Who will represent the interests of the academic mid-level faculty from autumn 2023? Who should and may stand up for your concerns? Elections will take place again at the MOL General Assembly in autumn 2023. As a MOL representative, would you like to sit on one of the university committees, manage the finances of the MOL or be involved in the MOL as a deputy? There are existing as well as new positions to be filled - contact us, we will be happy to give you more information at - or simply speak directly to one of the board members over a cup of coffee or in the corridor.
Your MOL-Board Matteo Frey (TF), Aline Leimann (RF), Alexander Ort (GWM), Antonia Steigerwald (KSF)
The following positions are open for new members. Information on the tasks and activities can be found under the corresponding link.
Representation actionuni: The organisation of the mid-level representatives in Switzerland, more information can be found under
Treasurer: The current treasurer Lucien Käslin introduced himself and his commitment to the MOL in the last newsletter.
Auditors: Our current auditor Tanya Kasper-Wicki is happy to provide information about her work for the MOL: About us
Representation Quality Assurance Commission: Our current representative Antonia Steigerwald is happy to provide information about her activities for the MOL: About us
Deputies for all representations in the university committees (ULEKO, GLK, FoKo, Senate): A good opportunity to "get a taste" of a position! By taking on the position of a deputy, you will stay up to date and represent the MOL representative in meetings when she/he cannot attend. On our website "representing the Interests", you can find out what the individual committees do and how the MOL representatives are involved in them.