Regimes of Social Cohesion and Citizenship 9. Oktober 2024Guest Talk by Hanspeter Kriesi 17. Oktober 2023GSL Assembly and Welcome Event Fall Term 4. November 2022Guest Talk: Michael Brady on "A Philosophical Approach to Improving Theorising about Post-traumatic Growth" 11. Oktober 2022"Rund ums Doktorat" Informationsanlass 9. Juni 2022Wissenschaftliches Blogging und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Workshop 5. Mai 2022Trees of Knowledge: Science and the Shape of Genealogy 5. November 2021Rosi Braidotti GSL Workshop: The Critical Posthumanities 28. Oktober 2021Rosi Braidotti GSL Guest Lecture: The Critical Posthumanities 27. Oktober 2021Marion Fourcade Guest Talk about Selfhood and Digitality 26. Juli 2021