Intimate Histories: African American Perspectives on (Post-) Nazi-Germany

Nadja Klopprogge von der Universität Basel spricht im Rahmen des Kulturwissenschaftlichen Kolloquiums

Datum: 1. April 2019
Zeit: 14.15 Uhr bis 15.45 Uhr
Ort: 4.B01
Geschichte / Deutschland / 20. Jh. / Berlin 1945-49 / Alliierte / Amerikaner

Since the Nazis’ rise to power questions of intimacy, including its violation – sex, love, family, friendship – have figured as a golden thread in Black American writing on Germany. Intimate matters as this talk argues functioned not only as subjects of investigation for African Americans, but are useful lenses into the construction of shared pasts and imagined futures beyond borders, national or otherwise.

Programm Kolloquium Kulturwissenschaften FS19

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