Pauline Holmer MSc
Wissenschaftliche Assistentin (Prof. Dr. Gisela Michel)
T +41 41 229 59 67 • Alpenquai 4, Raum 6 • pauline.holmer @
Pauline Holmer ist klinische Psychologin. Sie schloss ihren Bachelor in Potsdam (DE) ab, und absolvierte während des Bachelorstudiums ein Auslandssemester in Toulouse (FR). Ihr Masterstudium in Klinischer Psychologie mit Vertiefung in Schul- und Entwicklungspsychologie absolvierte sie an der Universität Freiburg (CH). Dort besuchte Sie Lehrveranstaltungen auf Deutsch, Englisch und Französisch. Ihre Abschlussarbeit schrieb sie über emotionale Konkordanz, d.h. über die Synchronisation von Physiologie, Erleben und Verhalten während einer emotionalen Episode. Während ihres Studiums war sie Stipendiatin der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. Im Juli 2021 begann sie ihre Doktorarbeit im Rahmen des GROKIDS-Projekts an der Universität Luzern. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf den akuten und langfristigen Auswirkungen einer Kinderkrebsdiagnose auf die Großeltern.
- Exploring grandparents’ psychosocial responses to childhood cancer: A qualitative study. (2024). Psycho-Oncology, 2.
- Fertility-Related Concerns in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Canadian Cohort Study. (2024). Current Oncology, 12, 7603–7612.
- Ospelt, M., Holmer, P., Tinner, E. M., Mader, L., Hendriks, M., Michel, G., … Roser, K. (2024). Insurance, legal, and financial hardships of childhood and adolescent cancer survivors - a systematic review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
- Priboi, C., Ilic, A., Holmer, P., Raguindin, P. F., Roser, K., Tinner, E. M., … Michel, G. (2024). Psychological distress in grandparents of grandchildren who survived childhood cancer - Results from the GROkids project. European Journal of cancer paediatric oncology, 3, 100162 ff.
- Michel, G., Raguindin, P. F., Priboi, C., Ilic, A., Holmer, P., Scheinemann, K., … Hengartner, H. (2023). Acute and long-term psychosocial consequences in grandparents when a grandchild is diagnosed with cancer – the GROKids Project: a population-based mixed-methods study protocol. BMC Psychology, 1, 280 ff.
- Posttraumatic growth and illness perception in survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer. (2023). Discover Oncology, 14, 194 ff.
- Holmer, P., Bolliger, C., Vokinger, A. K., Dyntar, D., & Michel, G. (2023). Screening for mental health problems in childhood cancer survivorship: a systematic review. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 3. Abgerufen von
- Priboi, C., Gantner, B., Holmer, P., Neves da Silva, L., Tinner, E. M., Roser, K., & Michel, G. (2022). Psychological outcomes and support in grandparents whose grandchildren suffer from a severe physical illness: A systematic review. Heliyon, 8 (5), 9365 ff.
Weitere Forschungsleistungen
- THE COSTS OF CHILDHOOD CANCER - Insurance, Legal, and Financial Hardships of Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Survivors – A Systematic Review. Poster, 56th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), Honolulu, Hawaii, 2024
- Posttraumatic growth and illness perception in survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer. Referat, SPOG SSPHO Scientific Meeting, Swiss Paediatric Oncology Group (SPOG); Swiss Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (SSPHO), Inselspital, Bern, 2023
- Psychological distress in grandparents whose grandchildren survived childhood cancer: The GROkids project. Referat, Swiss Pediatric Oncology Group (SPOG)/ Swiss Society of Paediatric Haemato-Oncology Scientific Meeting (SSPHO), Swiss Pediatric Oncology Group (SPOG), Bern, 2023
- Screening for mental health problems in childhood cancer survivorship: A systematic review. Referat, Research Symposium Health Lucerne, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2023
- Posttraumatic Growth and Illness Perception in Survivors of Adolescent and Young Adult cancer. Referat, Research Symposium Health Lucerne, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2023
- Psychological outcomes and support in grandparents whose grandchildren suffer from a severe physical illness: A systematic review. (Panel-)Beitrag, Research Symposium Health Lucerne, University of Lucerne, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, XUND, University of Lucerne, 2023
- Exploring the psychosocial impact of a childhood cancer diagnosis on grandparents: negative impact, coping strategies, positive outcomes. Poster, Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), International Society of Paediatric Cancer (SIOP), Ottawa, 2023
- Adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer surivors in Switzerland: Possible positive outcomes. Poster, 54th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), International Society of Paediatric Cancer (SIOP), Barcelona, 2022
- Psychological outcomes and support in grandparents whose grandchildren suffer from a severe physical illness: A systematic review. Referat, PanCare Meeting, U.G.I. Unione genitori italiani contro il tumore dei bambini, Torino, 2022
- Screening for mental health problems in childhood cancer survivorship: A systematic review. Poster, 54th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), International Society of Paediatric Cancer (SIOP), Barcelona, 2022
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Psychologie (SPS SGP SSP), Mitglied, Schweiz, 2022–
- Föderation der Schweizer Psychologinnen und Psychologen (FSP), Mitglied, Schweiz, 2022–
- Schweizerische Vereinigung für Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie (SKJP), Mitglied, Schweiz, 2022–
- PanCare, Mitglied, Niederlande, 2022–