Primary responsibility for operational safety, including occupational safety and health protection, lies with the President and is also delegated to the University Manager. Implementation is carried out in accordance with the university's security guidelines by a mandated Safety Manager (SIBE). He/she is the Safety Manager for the entire UNI-PH building and the university’s other sites. He/she is responsible for developing and implementing safety concepts, and in particular FCOS guidelines. He/she takes measures to minimise safety risks and inform the University Manager of any fundamental deficiencies and potential hazards. The university’s Facility Management is responsible for initial intervention in the event of an emergency.
The Safety Manager has authority which may be used for the purposes of compliance with safety regulations.
In situations which pose an imminent danger, he/she may intervene and issue corresponding instructions and/or initiate measures.
The Safety Manager is Pascal Brodard (contact: sicherheit). @
Information regarding what to do in an emergency is displayed in the publicly accessible areas of the UNI-PH building.
The following number should be used during UNI-PH building opening hours:
041 229 50 50 (internal 95050)
Do not raise an external alarm without informing the internal emergency number!
Outside of the building opening hours, you should use the numbers of the official emergency services.
The university Facility Management is responsible for providing first aid to the UNI-PH building.
A defibrillator and a first-aid room are available in the entrance area.
The UNI-PH building has what is known as ‘full protection’. There are smoke alarms to detect fire outbreak and a sprinkler system to put out burgeoning fires.
The whistle sound is not the signal to evacuate the building. It is a signal to remain in offices and teaching rooms and wait attentively for further information. If there is a safety-related incident, operations management will make an announcement with specific instructions. Any action taken before this may be completely wrong and therefore dangerous.
If a fire is detected, you must use the following procedure:
1. Alert (internal emergency number or manual switch)
2. Rescue (move handicapped people to safety)
3. Extinguish (small fires only!)
Where possible, close (but do not lock!) all windows and doors when you leave a room.
The UNI-PH building is equipped with a voice alarm system.
Any evacuation of the building will be announced via this system.
Any instructions from announcements and safety representatives must be strictly followed.
The emergency number 9 50 50 must be informed of the location of any wheelchair users. Operations management will then establish what further action to take. Any handicapped individuals who are mobile (e.g. the blind) should be helped to leave the building.
During standard building opening hours one member of the Facility Management department will be in the building at all times and can initiate evacuation of the building in the event of an incident.
The rest of the time, the users of the building will be required to organise themselves.
However, the emergency and rescue number can be called 24/7 and should always be informed in the event of an incident.
Members of the university and PH must comply with instructions from Facility Management employees. In the event of an alarm, take your valuables and personal effects (briefcase, coat etc.) with you and leave the building.
Lecturers are responsible for their students and must tell them what to do (and what to leave).
You should also inform anyone you meet on your way out of the building that the evacuation is taking place.
The UNI-PH meeting point is on the north side of Inseli Park (Buvette).
The meeting place will have meeting place supervisors and will be suitably labelled.
All those arriving must remain at the meeting point!
Further information about the evacuation will be provided at the meeting point following consultation with the emergency services, for example when the building may be re-entered.
The building will be cleared for re-entry by the emergency services. You may not re-enter the building until it has been cleared!
Who do I inform of a safety-related problem?
The UNI-PH building has an emergency number, 041 229 50 50 (internal 95050).
This number can be reached 24/7.
Who initiates the evacuation?
Once informed of an incident, Facility Management or the emergency services will initiate an evacuation.
Who implements the evacuation during the day?
During standard building opening hours, evacuation will be implemented by Facility Management.
Who is responsible for evacuation outside of standard building opening hours?
Those present in the building are responsible for themselves.
How will I know if we are being evacuated?
The whistle sound is not the signal to evacuate the building. It is a signal to remain in offices and teaching rooms and wait attentively for further information. If there is a safety-related incident, operations management will make an announcement with specific instructions. Any action taken before this may be completely wrong and therefore dangerous. The UNI-PH building is equipped with an audible alarm system.
Where is the meeting point?
The meeting point is generally in the north of Inseli Park (Buvette).
However, pay close attention to evacuation announcements, as under some circumstances there may be changes according to the situation.
When can I re-enter the building?
The building will be cleared for re-entry by the emergency services or the university’s Facility Management.
Will the person sounding the alarm be fined in the event of an incorrect evacuation announcement?
In the event of false announcements executed with gross negligence, the person sounding the alarm will be billed for the costs.
Inseliquai site
Evacuation of the Inseliquai 8 site is initiated by the rescue team. No audible alarm system is available. In the event of an alarm, take your valuables and personal effects (briefcase, coat etc.) with you and leave the building.
You should also inform anyone you meet on your way out of the building that the evacuation is taking place.