Lecturers, students and administrative staff can find information here on how to use the Zoom software, which is University of Lucerne's main tool for distance teaching and learning.

Please note: All instructions are written for the browser-based version of Zoom. The desktop client of ZOOM looks completely different and unfortunately works according to a completely different logic. Please open Zoom in the browser for all the steps specified below. If possible, use Firefox or Google Chrome as your browser instead of Microsoft Edge or Safari. The latter two may cause audio problems. 

For a quick overview: Factsheet ZOOM

Do you need a ZOOM license? Administrative and teaching of the University of Lucerne receive a ZOOM license for free. Apply for your ZOOM license here: https://it-help.unilu.ch/de_DE/zoom (instructions PDF)

And for an easy going introduction please view this video, courtesy of "University Emergency Center for Adults" (Inselspital Bern).

General suggestions for ZOOM meetings

The term "ZOOM fatigue" is gaining popularity. Many have found obstacles specific to the video conferencing we, out of necessity, have been using intensely since March 2020. There are also positive aspects to video conferencing, first and foremost that video conferencing enabled us to continue our learning and working routines in an adequate manner. However, some negative experiences are becoming more and more apparent. Please find below some articles discussing the reasons for ZOOM fatigue, and the suggestions they provide for a more pleasant video conference experience.

5 reasons why Zoom meetings are so exhausting

How to Combat Zoom Fatigue

Finding endless video calls exhausting? You’re not alone