Sustainability Strategy

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are not only aimed at the member states themselves, but also at their institutions, companies and populations. The University of Lucerne has therefore signed these goals and the UN's Climate Emergency Letter, thereby committing to becoming CO2-neutral by 2030.  Thus, sustainability plays an important role in the university's educational and research mission. University development includes the effective teaching of conscious ways of thinking and acting in sustainable patterns so that the current and future generations, as the future body of the working and research world, have the decisive tools at their disposal.

As an academic teaching and research institution, the University of Lucerne is bound by the requirements of the accreditation guidelines, in which sustainable development (Art. 30 HFKG) is legally enshrined. The sustainability strategy  is therefore a condition for the institutional accreditation of the University of Lucerne. With its wide-ranging offerings in the field of human sciences and research services in sustainable focus areas, the University of Lucerne creates the necessary foundations for sustainable coherence in various disciplines in order to strengthen general crisis resilience regionally, nationally and globally. In order for this personal transfer of values and skills and the generation of knowledge to succeed within a coordinated framework, a university sustainability strategy is required, the implementation of which is dependent on the consistent commitment of all university structures and members. Sustainability in teaching, research and operations at the University of Lucerne should be taken into account holistically with reference to the SDGs.

The sustainability strategy was developed in collaboration with the Sustainability Committee in order to take into account all the needs of our teaching and research institution. The University of Lucerne lives sustainability through its energy-efficient building management, its research achievements with ecological, economic and social relevance and through its sustainable range of courses. The fields of action are divided into operations, mobility, teaching, research, organization, networking and communication, with successful implementation largely dependent on the commitment of all university members.