Academic career
The Office of Equal Opportunity offers a variety of promotion mechanisms for doctoral and postdoctoral scholars:
Getting your thesis off to a good start – guide for doctoral candidates
Just about to begin doctoral studies? Unsure if you want to undertake a doctorate? Want more information about the doctoral studies procedure, the problems which may arise, what to be aware of, or what opportunities will open up? Then these are the guidelines for you.
In German and focusing on the university landscape in German-speaking Switzerland
In English and focusing on the university landscape in French-speaking Switzerland
‘Beyond the doctorate’ – guide for advanced doctoral and postdoctoral candidates
About to complete your doctoral studies, or already embarking upon a postdoctoral project? Interested in establishing yourself as an independent academic? Want to continue university research and teaching in the future, or still not sure what your career path should be? Then these are the guidelines for you.
In German and focusing on the university landscape in German-speaking Switzerland
In English and focusing on the university landscape in French-speaking Switzerland
Print copies
Members of the University of Lucerne can obtain a print copy of the German-language publications from the Office of Equal Opportunity (office 3.A24) free of charge.
Individual coaching and advice on academic careers
Do you want to think about your academic career planning? Are you faced with the question or even with the decision of whether to switch to a plan B outside of academia? Do your career goals suddenly no longer seem achievable or desirable?
Do you need professional feedback on application documents or funding proposals? Are you writing a career plan or do you need knowledge of how to further fund your own research?
Is the uncertainty of the academic system becoming a strain? Are you experiencing a difficult situation in the workplace? Do you have doubts about your own time management and self-management, or about the compatibility of academia, care and children?
Postdoctoral students and advanced doctoral students with postdoctoral ambitions can tackle these and other questions in a professional individual coaching or consultation session. Coaches and advisors are applied for and procured (if desired) from the Office of Equal Opportunity.
Document "Coaching services" (in German only)
Current course descriptions can be found in the events section. Please also consult the internal further education programme for generic skills and faculty development.
Do you want to attend a course offered by an equality body at another university, or are you interested in external further education programmes in the field of equality and gender? The Commission for Gender Equality will pay the difference between the internal and external rate and also cover travel expenses. Please contact the Office for Gender Equality for more information.
Marie Heim-Vögtlin- (MHV-) Beiträge for PhD-Students and Post-Docs in Switzerland, who need to interrup or reduce their research due to their familiar situation.
Gleichstellungsbeitrag for SNF supported junior scientists (with mandate from 15.04.2014). For carreer supporting (for Coaching, Mentoring etc.), but not familiar supporting arrangements.
Mutterschafts- und Vaterschaftsurlaub for employees in SNF-supported pojects and scholarship holder of the SNF.
Entlastungsbeitrag 120% for Post-Docs (women and men), who have to take care of their childrens during this important phase of their career and who need more flexibility.
Swiss National Science Foundation equal opportunities in research funding
The SNSF has set itself the target of using appropriate measures to promote gender equality in the area of research funding. To this end, it offers a range of funding tools.