The Quality Strategy supports the University in achieving its targets and aims to secure and continuously improve its performance. It follows the requirements of the Higher Education Act (HEdA) and the HEdA Accreditation Ordinance.
The University sets targets for its main areas of performance (teaching, research, and other services) relating to national and international standards. The University organises itself such that it can achieve these targets and is accountable for them. A system for quality assurance and development ensures that tasks are fulfilled in a coherent, participatory and transparent manner, and that processes are established to ensure and to continuously improve their performance.
More information is available in German.
Teaching, research and other services are profiled, consolidated and continuously updated with regard to their relevance at regional, national and international level. The thematic combination of research and teaching in the field of human sciences, both in the classical disciplines and in the most current research topics, makes the University an attractive and competitive institution for students and researchers that is recognised by the scientific community and society. Operational and evaluation processes are being developed for all areas so that the university can sustainably demonstrate its good reputation both internally and externally.
Processes are available in German.
1.1 Higher Education and Teaching
The faculties develop and offer attractive and internationally recognised programmes for university education at three levels (Bachelor's, Master's, doctorate), which are based on the latest research findings. They integrate the Swiss and European principles and guidelines (in accordance with the Bologna Declaration) in this area, in particular the credit system (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System ECTS), which is decisive for the recognition of degrees in Switzerland and abroad. The study and examination regulations and other guidelines as well as admission guidelines are continuously adapted and communicated and consistently implemented. The degree programmes are communicated transparently on the University's website and information campaigns are carried out on a regular basis. The degree programmes, courses and performance assessments are systematically and regularly evaluated with the involvement of students and graduates in order to continuously improve the courses and teaching performance. In this context, the university promotes innovative university didactics with a particular focus on the possibilities of digital learning.
Processes are available in German.
1.2 Continuing Education
The faculties develop and offer attractive and efficient continuing education programmes that are based on the latest research, are practice-oriented and lead to internationally recognised diplomas (Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS, Diploma of Advanced Studies DAS, Master of Advanced Studies MAS). They thus integrate the Swiss and European principles and guidelines in this area, in particular the credit system (ECTS), which is decisive for the recognition of diplomas in Switzerland and abroad. The University supports the faculties in the development, communication and implementation of continuing education programmes through its continuing education academy. The programmes and teaching events are systematically and regularly evaluated in order to continuously improve the offer and teaching performance.
Processes are available in German.
1.3 Fostering up-and-coming scientists
The University invests in the development of young academics of international calibre, who form an essential part of its students and academic staff. As part of their strategies, the faculties ensure optimal supervision, promote their further education and ensure that sufficient time resources are available for the development and attainment of academic qualifications. With the support of the university, the faculties develop and implement strategies to support junior researchers, which are geared towards the development of transversal competences, competences in university didactics, competences in the preparation and submission of projects as well as the financing of stays abroad, conference participation and research publications. They support the supervision of junior staff and career development processes. The strategies for the promotion of junior staff are regularly evaluated by the faculties and the university, and surveys are carried out among the mid-level faculty to determine their needs and design improvement measures. The mid-level faculty is involved in the steering process of this strategy through its representatives.
Processes are available in German.
1.4 Research
The faculties and their research centres ensure continuous scientific research in all their disciplines at a competitive and high-quality level at national and international level. Its researchers strive for high-quality publications and regularly submit projects to the Swiss National Science Foundation, other research funding bodies and at European level. The University promotes and supports the development of innovative and high-quality research projects, the organisation of scientific conferences and scientific publications by providing information, support in the development of projects and grants. Research activities and results are systematically and regularly evaluated, taking into account the principles and practices of the various humanities disciplines, in order to support and guide the research strategy of the University and its faculties.
Processes are available in German.
1.5 Other Services
The University and its faculties serve the scientific community and society through the dissemination of knowledge, the development and practice of relevant expertise at regional, national and international level. Its researchers contribute to scientific exchange and to the reputation of the University among an experienced scientific or professional audience or an audience of general interest through targeted and high-calibre lectures. It organises conferences for these target groups itself or in collaboration with other institutions. Its researchers appear in the media on topical issues, representing an independent, neutral and non-partisan scientific viewpoint and expertise based on the latest research findings. The scientists take part in peer-reviewing processes of high-quality journals and publishers. They contribute as experts to the work of scientific and public committees and prepare expert reports on their behalf. The University's faculties continue to develop their links with the professional world by organising events or services that support the continuing education of professionals or apply the skills acquired by students in practice. Finally, the University strives to further develop university research and teaching and to share its resources with its partners in the cantons of Central Switzerland by establishing specialised institutes, developing joint projects and making its infrastructure and organisation (e.g. ZHB) available. As in research, the university and its faculties systematically and regularly evaluate and report on these activities and their results in order to further develop their strategies.
Processes are available in German.
1.6 Internationalisation
Internationalisation is one of the pillars of the University's strategy, which aims to become a leading protagonist of the humanities in Europe and to contribute to their visibility. With regard to its core activities, in particular research, teaching and the promotion of young talent, it aims to increase its co-operation and competitiveness in the international academic world as well as its attractiveness for students and the scientific community. In accordance with Swiss and European higher education principles and guidelines, the University and its faculties set themselves ambitious goals and provide the necessary resources to promote the mobility of their students and academic staff and to attract high-level external students and researchers. Its researchers are encouraged to submit competitive projects to Swiss and European research funding organisations. The University participates in the development of an international network of co-operations with academic institutions in research and teaching and, where appropriate, endeavours to form alliances in the field of human sciences. The internationalisation strategy is regularly reviewed at both university and faculty level in order to realise the university's ambitions.
The University creates the organisational conditions and provides the necessary resources to achieve its strategic goals, involving all its units and representative groups. It pursues an active communication policy both internally and externally and provides regular, transparent and objective accounts of the achievement of its objectives, its performance, its activities, their results and the resources used to achieve them. The University's strategy, organisation and resources are systematically and regularly adapted to ensure the excellence of its operations and its long-term development.
Processes are available in German.
2.1 Governance
Within the framework defined by the University Act, the organisational structure and the decision-making and administrative processes enable the University to fulfil its mission and strategic objectives. The University's organisation is formalised and regulations are regularly updated in order to optimally structure its strategic and operational activities. Its governance and strategic management bodies, in particular the University Council, the Senate, the President's and Vice-Presidents' Offices, the Executive Board of the University, the Faculty Assemblies and Deans' Offices, the University and Faculty Commissions, operate regularly and in a co-ordinated manner according to established decision-making, management and control processes. They mobilise the administration of the university and its faculties in order to efficiently support the strategic and operational processes of the university. The Senate, the Faculty Assemblies, the commissions and the working groups involve the representative groups of the University, in particular the students, the mid-level faculty, the professors and the administrative staff, who thus contribute to the management of the University and its faculties. The University supports the representative associations of these groups and at the same time guarantees their independence. The organisation of the University and its faculties is presented transparently on the University's website.
Processes are available in German.
2.2 Strategic Management
As part of its performance agreement with the Canton of Lucerne, the University is developing and implementing a strategy aimed at becoming a leading protagonist in the field of human sciences in Europe. This strategy encompasses all its services as well as the supporting activities and structures and includes overarching goals in the areas of internationalisation, equal opportunities and gender equality, sustainability and quality management. To monitor and specify their objectives and report on their achievement, they collect and analyse relevant quantitative and qualitative data, if necessary by developing cockpits (or dashboards) for strategic management. It reports regularly, objectively and transparently on the achievement of its strategic objectives.
Processes are available in German.
2.3 University Management
Together with the Canton of Lucerne, the University secures the financial and material resources to achieve its strategic goals and to offer its students and staff optimal and sustainable working conditions. On the basis of the performance agreement, the University prepares the development and financial plan as well as the budget in coordination with the task and financial plan of the Canton of Lucerne. The University ensures that these funds and third-party funds are used efficiently and managed securely and is accountable to its sponsor in a transparent manner. In particular, it operates an internal control system and has this regularly audited externally, as well as its annual financial statements. Together with the Canton of Lucerne, the University ensures the necessary infrastructure in the areas of real estate and infrastructure, IT and document management to carry out its activities. The University operates an efficient management of logistics, IT and document management services and implements its concept to ensure the safety of people on the University campus and the material at its disposal. The security precautions are regularly reviewed and adapted. The University ensures that all its internal and outsourced services run smoothly and has them evaluated on a regular basis.
Processes available in German.
2.4 Human Resources Management
Within the framework of the Canton of Lucerne's Personnel Act, the University endeavours to recruit highly qualified staff for the academic and administrative areas and to ensure the conditions for their development. It therefore operates a fluid process management system that covers the entire working life cycle of its employees, from recruitment to performance appraisal and further training through to termination of employment. It devotes particular attention to the recruitment process of its academic staff, the support of junior researchers and the development of leadership skills. The personnel policy is regularly reviewed as part of the University's strategy and the performance agreement. The personnel processes are also periodically reviewed and updated as part of quality management.
Processes available in German.
2.5 Diversity (Equal Opportunities and gender equality)
The University is convinced of the richness of diversity. For this reason, it develops and implements a strategy to safeguard, promote and protect this diversity, with a particular focus on equal opportunities and gender equality, within its academic community, administrative staff and student body. In this context, the Gender Equality Commission is responsible for developing the strategy in collaboration with all units and faculties of the University, coordinating its implementation and evaluating the results, with the support of the Equal Opportunities Office. It reports regularly on the implementation of the strategy and its results and ensures its periodic adjustment. The Equal Opportunities Office provides information, advice and communication in connection with the diversity strategy and maintains a network of cooperation with universities in Switzerland in order to exchange best practices in this area.
Processes available in German.
2.6 Sustainability
In accordance with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the federal government's sustainability goals for universities, the Canton of Lucerne's sustainability strategy and the university's commitment to becoming climate-neutral by 2030, the university is developing and implementing a sustainability strategy in the areas of operations, mobility, teaching, research, networking and communication. With the establishment of a Sustainability Commission to develop and coordinate the implementation of the sustainability strategy and a Sustainability Office to support it, the sustainability strategy is anchored in the University's organisation. It reports regularly on the effective implementation of the strategy and ensures that it is periodically adapted. The specialised unit is also responsible for information and communication on sustainability and maintains a network of sustainability-related collaborations, in particular with universities in Switzerland, in order to exchange best practices in the area of sustainability.
Homepage "Sustainability" available in German.
2.7 Communication
The University pursues an active, transparent and objective communication policy that covers its core activities, its strategy and its supporting activities. As an expression of the university's uniform overall image, the documentation follows the standards defined by its corporate design. The website is the basic communication tool, developed and maintained by trained staff according to common rules. The university is present in the most important social networks and reports regularly on its activities. It informs students and staff with regular newsletters about news from the university's bodies and units. It regularly organises information campaigns for people who are interested in its study programmes. It maintains relations with the media and reports publicly and regularly on its activities in its annual report and other publications, which are available online and in paper form.
Quality assurance and development structure the University's strategy and organisation, support its development and certify its performance. In line with a holistic understanding of quality, the University develops and operates a Quality Management System QMS that covers all its services, involves all parties concerned, communicates transparently and objectively about its activities and promotes a culture of feedback. This system integrates the Swiss and European goals and guidelines for quality assurance and development in higher education and follows bests practices. The University actively co-operates with the quality networks of universities in Switzerland and Europe. The QMS is systematically and regularly reviewed internally and externally in order to further develop the University's quality strategy.
Processes are described in German.
3.1 Quality Strategy
Quality assurance and development are anchored in the organisation of the University. They are integrated into the strategy of the University and its faculties and support its implementation and long-term development. Their instruments and results are used to demonstrate the effective implementation of the strategy and contribute to its further development.
3.2 Quality Management System
The University develops and implements a Quality Management System QMS that covers all its basic services as well as its management and support activities. It includes the necessary strategies, planning, processes, procedures and guidelines, controlling and reporting tools and resources to make an effective contribution to ensuring that the University fulfils its mission and continuously improves its performance. It thus fulfils the high requirements of quality assurance and development at universities in Switzerland and Europe.
3.3 Reviewing
The QMS is geared towards improvement: Quality development is a continuous process that involves a regular review of objectives, results and the means used to achieve them. To this end, quantitative and qualitative data is collected and analysed as part of specific processes for continuous improvement. The system comprises both internal university processes, which draw on external expertise where necessary, and external processes, which are designed to ensure that the QMS meets and effectively fulfils the requirements of the university and its units. The QMS itself is regularly reviewed internally and by external experts to demonstrate that it is actually working and to guide its further development. The University's institutional accreditation and other forms of certification are evidence of this control of the QMS.
3.4 involvement
Quality management is participatory: it involves all members of the University as well as external experts who are involved in the conception and implementation of quality measures and their evaluation. Although the framework is defined and coordinated by the university, its development and implementation is delegated as far as possible to the instances that contribute to the quality of the services themselves. This is intended to transfer responsibility to the quality stakeholders and spread the university's quality culture. Care is taken to ensure that the university, as an expert organisation, is not unnecessarily burdened administratively. Specialised functions are defined, assigned and communicated transparently within the university units in order to manage and coordinate the development and implementation of quality measures. Representative groups are included in the committees involved in quality from the development of measures through to their implementation. A feedback culture is developed that involves the recipients of the university's services and external expertise in order to promote the dynamics of quality development.
3.5 Networking
The University sees itself as a player in quality assurance and development in the Swiss and European higher education landscape. It integrates their standards, draws inspiration from best practices and actively participates in the relevant quality networks of universities in Switzerland and Europe.
3.6 Communication
The University communicates transparently and objectively about its goals, their achievement and the means used, both in the area of quality management and in relation to all its services. In this way, it embodies its responsibility towards its sponsor and the beneficiaries of its services, involves its employees and opens itself up to its partners. In this way, it contributes to the dissemination of its quality culture, both internally and externally.