A - Z
- Alters- und Hinterbliebenenversicherung (AHV) / Swiss Old Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI)
- Anstellungstypen / Types of employment, only available in German
- Arbeitszeiten / Working hours
- Arbeitszeugnis / Work reference
- Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses / Termination of employment contract
- Bibliotheken / Libraries
- CampusCard
- Ergonomie am Arbeitsplatz / Ergonomics in the workplace, only available in German
- EO-Meldekarte / Income replacement card (EO), only available in German
- Familienzulagen / Family allowances, only available in German
- Ferien und Feiertage / Holidays and public holidays
- Gleichstellung / Gender equality (Gender equality Office)
- International
- Kinderbetreuung / Childcare (Gender equality Office)
- Krankheit / Illness
- Krankenversicherung / Health insurance
- Leitbild / Mission statement
- Militär-, Zivildienst / Military/community service, only available in German
- Mobilität Dozierende / Teaching staff mobility
- Mobility - car sharing, only available in German
- Mobilität Mitarbeitende / Staff mobility
- Mutterschaft / Maternity
- Nebentätigkeit / Secondary employment, only available in German
- Ombudsstelle, only available in German
- Pensionskasse / Pension scheme, only available in German
- Personalhandbuch, Personalrecht / Personnel handbook, employee law, only available in German
- Probezeit / Probationary period, only available in German
- Psychologische Beratung / Counselling service (psychological advice centre)
- Sexuelle Belästigung / Sexual harassment (Prevention of Sexual harassment)
- Shop Unilu (Bekleidung)
- Sozialversicherungen / Social security
- Spesen / Expenses
- Sportangebote für Mitarbeitende / Staff sports (only available in German)
- Studiladen Luzern / Lucerne 'Studiladen' student shop
- Unbesoldeter Urlaub, only available in German
- Unfall / Accidents
- Vaterschaft / Paternity
- Weiterbildung, only available in German
- Zwischenzeugnis / Interim report