Collaboration and Coordination

The MOL is organised to help us work together and represent the interests of the academic mid-level effectively. It coordinates our representatives' efforts and promotes communication with other internal organisations. Furthermore, the MOL helps share knowledge among different boards, commissions, internal organisations and our members.
Regular Meetings
We value keeping in touch, both with our representatives and other organisations. That's why the MOL Board meets once every semester to share ideas with:
- Extended University Management (EUL)
- MOL representatives in the boards and commissions (see website "MOL Representatives")
- Board of the Administrative-Technical Organisation of the University of Lucerne (ATOL)
- Board of the Student Organisation (SOL)
- Representatives in the Faculty Assemblies
Transfer of Knowledge
Here, we bring together Facts & Figures from the University of Lucerne, important information for the academic mid-level, and more links, e.g. to internal contacts or partner organisations.
- The internal communication at the University of Lucerne utilises the G-drive. This is where internal documents, instructions and information on structures and processes are stored: G:\UNETEntry\ (access only works within the Uni-WLan or through VPN).
- Portrait of the University of Lucerne
- Staff statistics of the University of Lucerne
- Regulations for assistants and senior assistants: The new regulations were approved by the University Council and came into force on 1 August 2013:
SRL No. 539g Regulations on Research Assistants.
- Career funding SNSF: The Swiss National Science Foundation offers various funding instruments for career funding and research projects:
-> Swiss National Science Foundation (career funding) - Graduate Academy: Doctoral students can apply for mobility grants for stays abroad:
-> Mobility grants for doctoral students - Research Commission: The FoKo has a research credit that can be applied for to support research projects, conferences, publications and young researchers:
-> Funding opportunities - Equal Opportunities Office: The Equal Opportunities Office provides financial support for extraordinary childcare needs, e.g. for participation in a conference.
In addition, up to five coaching or counselling sessions with professional coaches are offered:
-> Uni and Family
-> Coaching / counselling for academics Equal Opportunities Commission: Applications for projects and measures in the area of equal opportunities can be submitted.
-> Financial contributions Equal Opportunities CommissionInternational Office: Funds are made available for lecturer mobility:
-> Lecturer MobilityResearch funding instruments: Unfortunately, there are currently no funds for research promotion at the University of Lucerne. Points of contact are the Office for Research Promotion and the representatives of the faculties in the Research Commission. Platforms for corresponding tools are e.g. or The university does not have any licences for this yet.
Every scientific assistant and senior assistant at UNILU is allocated a budget for continuing education. This CHF 1,200.00 budget is managed through the deaneries. The criteria for what qualifies as continuing education are not standardised at the moment, but we're actively working on establishing clearer guidelines.
- Career promotion: There is a platform where you can find a compilation of relevant links for career promotion. On Wednesdays, there is also CoffeeTalk+ with personal counselling (common room 3rd floor, room 3.A60).
-> Academic Career - Equal Opportunities Commission: The GLK provides funding for internal courses as well as for external continuing education programmes in the area of equality and gender:
-> Funding instruments of the GLK - Further links to continuing education opportunities:
-> Generic Skills / interdisciplinary competences
-> Further education in higher education didactics - Courses on generic skills at the Graduate Academy:
-> Transferable skills course programme - Courses on the development of research skills at Campus Luzern:
-> Courses on research skills - Training courses on digital skills at Swissuniversities:
-> Digital skills course offer
Statutes of the Mittelbau Organisation University of Lucerne (MOL)
Amended by the General Assembly of the Mid-Level Organisation on 17 Oct 2023.
Approved by the University Council on 19 Oct 2023.
Contact Us
Christina Bolliger
MOL Office
T +41 41 229 58 12 • Room 4.B04 • christina.bolliger @
Point of contact for meetings with representatives and organisations