MOL Representatives

At the university level, the Mid-Level Organisation Lucerne (MOL) is represented with three members in the Senate, one in the University Association, one in the Research Commission, one in the Equal Opportunities Commission, and one in the University Teaching Commission. Nationally, the MOL is represented in actionuni, which is the overarching organisation for the Swiss mid-level. Additionally, the MOL holds positions in the Mensa echo group, the ad hoc Sustainability Commission, and the Quality Assurance Commission. The positions are currently held by the following persons:

MOL Representations on University Level


Foto Alexander Ort

Dr. Alexander Ort
Senior Research Fellow
T +41 41 229 56 32 • • Inseliquai 10, Room 211
Mehr Infos zu Alexander Ort (GWM)

Foto Desiree Waibel

Désirée Waibel, MA
Oberassistentin Soziologie mit Schwerpunkt Organisation und Wissen • Raum 3.A58


University Association


MOL Representations in Commissions

Research Commission (FoKo)

Foto Andrea Aegerter

Andrea Aegerter, PhD
Postdoc (Prof. Claudio Perret)
T +41 41 229 57 39 • Alpenquai 4, Raum 6 •
Mehr Informationen über Andrea Aegerter (auf Englisch)

Equal Opportunities Commission (GLK)

Foto Katharina Doelp

Katharina Dölp, MSc
Wissenschaftliche Assistentin (Prof. Dr. Leif Brandes)
T +41 41 229 58 94 • Raum 4.B53 •
Mehr Infos zu Katharina Dölp

University Teaching Commission (ULEKO)

Foto Angelo Breda

Angelo Breda, MLaw, RA
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent
T +41 41 229 53 91 • Raum 4.A58 •
Mehr Infos zu Angelo Breda, MLaw, RA

actionuni (Mid-level Asscociation Switzerland)

Foto Natalie Messerli

Natalie Messerli MA
Wissenschaftliche Assistentin (Swiss Learning Health System)
T +41 41 229 57 42 • Alpenquai 4, Raum 6 •
Mehr Informationen über Natalie Messerli


Foto  Brigitte Hofstetter

Dr. Brigitte Hofstetter
Lehr- und Forschungsbeauftragte für qualitative Methoden
T +41 41 229 57 38 • Alpenquai 4, Raum 8 •

Sustainability Commission NHK

Foto Lea Keller

Lea Keller, MLaw
Wissenschaftliche Assistentin
T +41 41 229 54 29 • Raum 4.B19 •

Quality Commission

Foto Antonia Steigerwald

Antonia Steigerwald, MA
Forschungsmitarbeiterin SNF an der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Raum 3.A07 •
Mehr Infos zu Antonia Steigerwald (KSF)

Mensa Echogroup

Foto Lea Keller

Lea Keller, MLaw
Wissenschaftliche Assistentin
T +41 41 229 54 29 • Raum 4.B19 •