Lucerne Master in Computational Social Sciences (LUMACSS)
LUMACSS students develop a well-grounded knowledge of social science fundamentals while acquiring the statistical, computational and programming skills needed to understand and analyse the rapidly evolving and complex social dynamics of a digitally transforming world.
The LUMACSS study plan at a glance
LUMACSS is composed of four core modules. They combine various disciplines, namely economics, political science, sociology, law, history and the computational sciences. The broad-based programme also develops statistical and computational methods and thus builds key skills for current and future job markets. Coursework comprises a total of 120 ECTS and includes a final master’s thesis and its defence (which are worth 35 ECTS).
Module 1: Social Sciences
This module is worth 20 ECTS and features courses from political science, history, sociology, economics, and law. Coursework covers topics such as the digital economy, big data, comparative media systems, public opinion, and Internet law. This module teaches computational scientists the fundamentals of the social sciences while social scientists learn about the manifold aspects and effects of the digitization of modern societies, economies and polities. Students benefit from small-group interactions with experienced faculty and academic peers beyond the confines of their own discipline.
Module 2: Statistics and Quantitative Methods
This module is worth 21 ECTS and comprises courses aimed at building students’ scientific literacy. Coursework teaches how to develop rigorous research designs, how to apply appropriate statistical techniques and to master statistical programming, how to replicate real scientific papers and how to find, describe, analyze and visualize social science data. The philosophy driving this module is that “hands-on” applications are a key part of the learning process.
Module 3: Computational Sciences and Digital Skills
This module is worth 22 ECTS and develops multiple skill sets: data literacy and management skills for dealing with increasingly complex data systems, including data access, handling and storage; computational skills for navigating the Big Data world, including Cloud Computing, Text Analytics, Python programming, Data visualization, Network Analysis, Social Media APIs, and so on. This module provides first-class expertise and training to meet the challenges of the datafication era and to seize its opportunities.
Module 4: Practical Skills
This module is worth 22 ECTS and offers students three pathways towards acquiring practical skills and towards preparing for future job markets:
- Internships. The LUMACSS internship programme provides initial professional experience in innovative firms (established companies or young fast-growing start-ups in the field of digitization).
- Capstone projects. These enable students to breathe life into their ideas and to carry these into actual practice. Examples include building a digital application or a Big Data tool, or devising an analytical solution for social media marketing. Capstone projects promote gaining hands-on experience with the tools and skills learned in theory, and thus enable students to experience digital challenges close-up (e.g. from data acquisition to analysis and reporting, or from application development to deployment and reporting). Further information below.
- Electives. The Practical Skills module enables students to specialize in particular areas through attending further LUMACSS courses. Students can draw upon the entire Master offer of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Current or next semester
- Course catalogue (electronic version)
- Course catalogue (PDF-Version)
- Digital Skills Website
Archive course catalogue (electronic version)
As one of three options in the Module "Practical Skills", a Capstone Project (CP) offers LUMACSS students the opportunity of an applied experience providing solid foundations for their professional development and portfolios. The experiential learning approach of the CP is particularly valuable for future graduates willing to develop their career in non-academic settings, such as future applied data analysts and Computational Social Scientists in governmental bodies, NGOs, or in the tech industry.
CPs typically involve core digital skills like data mining, data analytics, visualization, machine learning, and web applications with a strong focus on developing data-driven solutions to real-world challenges. Using these skills, CPs allow LUMACSS students to turn their ideas into real solutions, demonstrating their competence, independence, and early achievements. A CP thus represents a culminating moment for LUMACSS students. It is usually undertaken in the second year of the programme. Typical deliverables include original data sets, data analytics reports, data visualizations, interactive web applications, project websites, policy reports, social media campaigns, and other data-driven applications.
LUMACSS students who are determined to undertake a CP will require and develop abilities such as planning, self-sufficiency, and goal setting and adjustment.
In addition to all the regular student mobility options open to all students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Lucerne, students of LUMACSS can take advantage of a collaboration of LUMACSS with the programme “Data Analytics for Politics, Society and Complex Organizations” DAPS&CO at the University of Milan.
All mandatory and most other LUMACSS courses are taught in English, and the programme can be studied in English only. Students are therefore required to have a working knowledge of the English language. Being proficient in German unlocks additional opportunities and access to a wider range of courses.
Therefore, we recommend the Level C1 for both German and English. However, a formal language certificate is not required, and students may attend the University's language courses.
Due to its strong focus on scientific methods and data analysis skills, LUMACSS graduates can expect ample job market opportunities.
Typical areas include but are not limited to:
- Data science
- Data journalism
- Market research and consulting
- Jobs in tech firms and think tanks
- Academic careers
- New roles in future job markets
LUMACSS invites applications from social science graduates who are interested in the manifold aspects of digitalisation and who seek to strengthen their statistics and computational skills. The programme is also well suited for computational science graduates who are eager to learn how to best apply their computational skills to solve social science puzzles. Thus, LUMACSS is open to students from different educational backgrounds.
Prospective students need to meet the following admissions criteria:
- University degree, Bachelor of Arts and/or Bachelor of Science
- Previous coursework, awarded at least 60 ECTS, in one or more of the following disciplines: Computational Sciences, Economics, Law, Philosophy, Political Science, or Sociology
Candidates holding a Bachelor’s degree in any other relevant discipline may also apply. Please direct any inquiries to the Programme Coordinator (lumacss). @
Depending on their previous education, candidates may be admitted on condition that they attend further (Bachelor) courses in addition to obtaining the 120 ECTS awarded for successfully completing the LUMACSS programme (conditional admission).
For further information on applications and admissions see here.
Latest versions
Musterstudienplan (Model Study Plan) LUMACSS ab HS24
Current regulations in English HS24
Archive model study plans
Musterstudienplan LUMACSS ab HS23
Musterstudienplan LUMACSS ab HS22
Further regulations
Consult the general page for regulations (German only) of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science.
Dr. Samuel D. Schmid
Programme Coordinator LUMACSS
University of Lucerne
Department of Political Science
Frohburgstr. 3
P.O. Box 4466
6002 Lucerne, Switzerland
Room 3.A18
T +41 41 229 56 04
lumacss @
Appointments by prior arrangement