About our Alumni

What career prospects and opportunities does studying Economics and Management at the University of Lucerne offer? With the broad range of studies at the University of Lucerne, a variety of doors are open to you, and experience shows that Economics and Management graduates are in high demand on the job market. 


In this video series, we visit working students and graduates at their workplace. They give an insight into their everyday working life, tell us what is important in the job and how they benefit from their studies.

Roxane Bründler

Marco Schnurrenberger

Laura Merz

David Kaufmann

Roxane Bründler

Talking to alumni

You can find more exciting interviews with our alumni here. (in German)


Alumni are graduates of universities and colleges. Alumni is the masculine plural of alumnus (sing. / m). Alumnae is the feminine plural of alumna (sing. / w). The term comes from Latin and means pupil, student or foster son/daughter.