Fiona de Londras
Professor Dr. Fiona de Londras is the inaugural Professor of Global Legal Studies at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. An expert on counter-terrorism, comparative constitutional law, and European human rights law she writes widely on human rights and counter-terrorism, including Detention in the War on Terror (2011; CUP), Critical Debates on Counter-Terrorism Judicial Review (2014; CUP—with Davis), and The Impact, Legitimacy and Effectiveness of EU Counter-Terrorism (2015. Routledge—with Doody). de Londras holds visiting or adjunct posts in UNSW (Sydney) and UCD (Dublin), has lectured and visited around the world, is joint editor in chief of the Irish Yearbook of International Law and co-editor of Legal Studies. She is currently finalising a manuscript on Privatisation, Counter-Terrorism and Constitutionalism to be published by CUP in 2017.