Introductory Class
The Lucerne Summer School on Human Rights Implementation is based on a the idea of an universal concept of human rights allowing for to argue cases by reference not only to the human rights treaties at hand, but taking into account comparative law aspects as well. To this end students will learn about the substantive and procedural law under the European Convention on Human Rights with a focus on the doctrine, how to develop a skeleton of arguments in a certain case. It will compare this approach to the UN system of the protection of human rights and will point to similarities and differences. In addition, a brief overview of the Inter-American Human Rights System and of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights will be provided. The students will be trained in research in these legal systems. The skills training will be based on a critical Approach towards theories of universalism of human rights and an in-depth analysis of comparative law approaches in the area of human rights.
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Heselhaus