- Study
- Studying in Lucerne
- Study programmes
- Bachelor's Degrees
- Master's Degrees
- All study programmes
- Faculty of Theology
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Climate Politics, Economics, and Law (CPEL)
- Lucerne Master in Computational Social Sciences (LUMACSS)
- Cultural and Social Anthropology
- History
- History Bilingual (German / French)
- Social and Communication Sciences
- Jewish Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Philosophy
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
- Dual Degree in Political Science
- Political Sciences
- Religion, Economy and Politics
- Study of Religions
- Sociology
- World Society and Global Governance
- Minor subject
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Economics and Management
- Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine
- Faculty of Behavioural Sciences and Psychology
- Doctoral studies
- Other programmes
- Study programmes from A to Z
- Brochures to order/download
- Information sessions
- Exploration and Early Bird programmes
- Application and admission
- Courses, exams, regulations
- Dates and information
- Advice
- Mobility
- Further education
- Research
- Campus
- University
- Profile
- Governing and representative bodies
- President's Office and University Executive Board
- University Council
- Senate
- Ombudsman’s Office
- Reporting Office
- Lucerne Students' Organisation
- Mid-level Organisation University of Lucerne (MOL)
- Academies
- University research centres
- Services
- Overview
- Equal opportunity
- Facility management
- Finance and accounting
- Research Information System FIS
- Graduate Academy
- Grants Office
- University sports
- IT services
- International Relations Office
- Internal further education
- Sustainability
- Human resources
- Student services and admissions
- University Archives
- University Communications
- Further education
- Quality
- Teaching Development Centre
- Committees
- Supporting institutions
- Regulations
- Faculties
- Faculty of Theology
- Overview
- News
- Events
- About the Faculty
- Study
- Further Education
- Dean's Office
- Professorships
- Overview
- Dogmatic Theology
- Old Testament Exegesis
- New Testament Exegesis
- Fundamental Theology
- Islamic Theology
- Jewish Studies and Theology
- Ecclesiastical History
- Canon Law & Law and Religion
- Liturgical Science
- Pastoral Theology
- Philosophy
- Religious Education / Catechesis
- Theological Ethics and Social Ethics
- Institutes and Research Units
- Institute of Jewish-Christian Research (IJCF)
- Institute of Social Ethics ISE
- Overview
- News
- Events
- Profile
- Master's Program in Ethics
- Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE
- Studies
- Staff
- Research
- Lucerne Graduate School in Ethics LGSE
- EthicsImpulses
- ISE-Lectures Series
- Hans Kueng - Weltethos Lecture
- International Lucerne Ethics of Human Rights-Symposium LES
- Regulations of the ISE
- Links
- Ecumenical Institute (ÖI)
- Institute of Religious Education (RPI)
- Center for Religion, Economy and Politics (ZRWP)
- Center for Comparative Constitutional Law and Religion (CCCLR)
- Centre for Theology and Philosophy of Religions (TheiRs)
- Regulations
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Overview
- News
- Events
- About the faculty
- Study
- Further Education
- Dean's office
- Professors
- Institutes, departments, research centres
- Overview
- Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Department of History
- Department of Cultural and Science Studies
- Overview
- Profile
- Study
- Chair of Cultural Studies
- Science Studies
- Overview
- Profile
- Staff
- Study
- Research
- Overveiw
- Desktop Studies: Documents as Research Materials in the Natural and Social Sciences and the Humanities
- Das ‚System of Care’ der fetomaternalen Chirurgie bei Spina bifida. Zur Etablierung eines klinischen Standards und einer gesellschaftlichen Norm
- Modeling, Measuring, and Designing Economic Growth. The Neoclassical Growth Model as a Historical Artifact, 1930s-1960s
- Links
- Department of Political Science
- Department of Philosophy
- Department for the Study of Religions
- Department of Sociology
- Institute of Jewish-Christian Research
- Center for Religion, Economy and Politics
- Center for Research on Religion
- Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Lucerne (GSL)
- Regulations
- Faculty of Law
- Overview
- Events
- About the faculty
- Study
- Dean's office
- Professorships
- Overview
- Ackermann Jürg–Beat
- Aebi–Müller Regina
- Burri Mira
- Caroni Martina
- Coninx Anna
- Contratto Franca
- Diebold Nicolas
- Eicker Andreas
- Furrer Andreas
- Girsberger Daniel
- Graham-Siegenthaler Barbara
- Heselhaus Sebastian
- Huber-Lehmann Melanie
- Hürzeler Marc
- Karavas Vagias
- Luminati Michele
- Mathis Klaus
- Müller Karin
- Norer Roland
- Opel Andrea
- Rodriguez Rodrigo
- Rütsche Bernhard
- Schmid Jörg
- Schreiber Markus
- Oliver D. William
- Institutes, Academies, Research Centres
- Center for Conflict Resolution CCR
- Center for Law and Sustainability CLS
- Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies - lucernaiuris
- Lucerne Center for Social Security Law – LuZeSo
- Staatsanwaltsakademie
- Center for Logistics and Transport Law KOLT
- Center for Law & Health – CLH
- Internationalisation
- Regulations
- Faculty of Economics and Management
- Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine
- Overview
- News
- Events
- About the Faculty
- Studies
- Research and Centers
- Overview
- Centers and Research Units
- Center for Rehabilitation in Global Health Systems
- Competence Center for Health Data Science
- Competence Center for Learning Health Systems
- Center for Health, Policy and Economics
- Zentrum für Hausarztmedizin und Community Care
- Center for Clinical Research (CCR), Luzerner Kantonsspital (LUKS)
- Childhood Cancer Research
- Promotion of young researchers
- Visiting Researchers
- Further Education
- Dean's Office
- Professorships, Lecturers, Researchers
- Faculty of Behavioural Sciences and Psychology
- Faculty of Theology
- International
- Overview
- News
- International cooperation
- Mobility
- Strategy
- International degree-seeking students
- International researchers
- International research promotion