Grants Office
The Grants Office reports to the Vice President for Research. It supports researchers at the University of Lucerne in acquiring competitive third-party funding from national and international funding organisations. It also manages the allocation of funds from the research fund of the Research Committee of the University of Lucerne (FoKo).
The Grants Office is the central point of contact for all questions regarding third party funding:
- Advice and support for researchers at all career stages in applying to national and international funding organisations
- Advice and support with regard to submitting applications to the research fund
- Proactive, targeted information on suitable funding opportunities
- Training in relation to grant writing, interview preparation
- Representation of the University of Lucerne in national and international research funding bodies, in particular the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and Horizon Europe
- Information on ongoing and completed third-party funded research projects at the University of Lucerne

Dr. Anne-Sophie Bories
Grants Office Team Member
annesophie.bories @
T +41 41 229 51 71
Room: 3.A18

University of Lucerne
Grants Office
Frohburgstrasse 3, Room 3.A18
P.O. Box
6002 Luzern
grants @