University Research Centre: Digital Transformation

The University Research Centre (URC) Digital Transformation aims to network and coordinate human science research within its areas of specialisation at the University of Lucerne.

In addition to developing and supporting research initiatives, the URC seeks to enhance collaboration with other universities and research institutions in Switzerland and abroad.

The URC Digital Transformation, currently in its establishment phase, will encompass the institutes, centres and professorships active in its focus area. An externally funded institute may also be affiliated with the URC. A case in point is the planned inclusion of the “Zug Institute for Blockchain Research at the University of Lucerne”.

The management team of the URC Digital Transformation is expected to be established this autumn.

Zug Institute for Blockchain Research at the University of Lucerne

The Zug Institute for Blockchain Research at the University of Lucerne, currently in the process of being established, will explore blockchain technology from a human sciences perspective. Researchers will analyse the legal, political, economic and social consequences of blockchain technology. Although externally funded, the institute will be led by a professor from the University of Lucerne. Appointments are currently underway for seven of the nine planned professorships.

Additional information

Grünes Licht für gemeinsames Blockchain-Institut (News article from 8 May 2024 (German))

Zuger Blockchain-Forschungsinitiative mit Universität und Hochschule Luzern (News article from 12 June 2023 (German))

Cantonal Council resolution on the Canton of Zug’s contribution to the development of the “Blockchain Zug - Joint Research Initiative” - Report and proposal of the Government Council of 6 June 2023
Download report (PDF)
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