Interdisciplinary conference FS 2017
Identity on the Internet Constructions of identity in media through family, religion and language
University of Lucerne, 27-28 March 2017: Mon., 27.3., 9.15 a.m. – 5.00 p.m., Room 3.B47 and 3.A05; Tue., 28.3., 9.15 a.m. - 1.00 p.m, Lecture hall 13.
Family, as well as both social and religious background and affiliation are integral parts of our real identities; however, does this also apply to the virtual realm of the Internet? Language, family and one’s background play a central role in the construction of identity. Family and community are the central places of religious socialisation. Language is the medium of communication, but how are one’s own background, one’s belonging to a family and affiliation with a religious community represented online? What family-like and what community-like structures develop online? What interactions are there between virtual and physical identity? In the colloquium there will be analysis and discussion of these and other research questions based on data sessions and presentations. Presentations will make up the primary content of the first day; on the second day the topics will be further developed in discussions.
Lück, Anne-Kathrin: Der gläserne Mensch im Internet: Ethische Reflexionen zur Sichtbarkeit, Leiblichkeit und Personalität in der Online-Kommunikation. Forum Systematik, Bd. 45 Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 2013
Miczek, Nadja: Biographie, Ritual und Medien: Zu den diskursiven Konstruktionen gegenwärtiger Religiosität (Religion und Medien) Bielefeld: Transcript 2013
Nord, Ilona, Swantje Luthe: Social Media, christliche Religiosität und Kirche: Studien zur Praktischen Theologie mit religionspädagogischem Schwerpunkt (POPKULT - Populäre Kultur und Theologie)
Ernst, Christina: Mein Gesicht zeig ich nicht auf Facebook: Social Media als Herausforderung theologischer Anthropologie. Göttingen: Edition Ruprecht – 5th January 2015
Wagner, Ulrike; Eggert, Susanne; Schubert, Gisela: MoFam - Mobile Medien in der Familie. Kurzfassung der Studie 2016. Available online at:
References to further literature will be made in the colloquium
Graduiertenkolleg TeNOR – Text und Normativität Mehr Infos
Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt Wandel der Familie im Kontext von Migration und Globalisierung
Dr. Franc Wagner (