Solidarity with Ukraine
The University of Lucerne is dismayed by Russia's attack on Ukraine and strongly condemns this massive violation of international law.

The University of Lucerne is dismayed by Russia's attack on Ukraine and strongly condemns this massive violation of international law. It fully supports the statement of swissuniversities and those of its partner institutions and networks.
The University of Lucerne expresses its solidarity with the population of Ukraine and with Ukrainian universities. It appeals to all responsible bodies in Switzerland to work towards ending this violation of international law safeguards, which is unprecedented in Europe, and to support the people affected.
The University of Lucerne will do its utmost to assist teachers, researchers and students from Ukrainian universities.
Ukrainian students and researchers at the University of Lucerne can count on the University's support. The University also offers its assistance to Russian students and researchers who have found themselves in this situation through no fault of their own.
Contact and further information
Information for Ukrainian students and researchers