Book publication of Dr. Ernst von Kimakowitz
The book “ Humanistic Management in Practice Vol. II” has been edited by Ernst von Kimakowitz (PhD) , senior research fellow at the Institute of social Ethics ISE at the University of Lucerne, together with a highly committed editorial team.
The book demonstrates how principles of a Humanistic Management paradigm are practiced in a variety of industries and regions by businesses of different ownership structures and sizes.
What unites these businesses is their commitment to the three stepped approach of Humanistic Management, which is grounded in unconditional respect for the dignity of life, the integration of ethics in management decisions, and active engagement with stakeholders. The cases featured in this book serve to clarify that businesses can thrive not despite but because they are upholding principles of Humanistic Management.
Ernst is also the lead editor of the Humanism in Business Book Series at Palgrave Macmillan (Springer) in which Humanistic Management in Practice vol II is the 17th book.
Link to the book
Link to the Humanism in Business book series