Appointment to a federal working group on the topic of Mobility 4.0
Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschläger has been selected by the Federal Roads Office (ASTRA) in the “Mobility 4.0” working group. Its task is to determine research needs on key topics of the ASTRA and to implement the research program.
Peter G. Kirchschläger is looking forward to contributing to this working group from an ethical perspective: «The automation of mobility is an area where there are many ethical opportunities and also a few risks. It is nice that I can contribute my own research to the federal government's considerations regarding the design of future mobility. » The ethical examination of digital transformation and the use of artificial intelligence is one of the main research areas of Peter G. Kirchschläger. At the Institute for Social Ethics ISE, which he heads, several doctoral students and several postdoctoral researchers are researching this research area as part of the “Lucerne Graduate School in Ethics”.
Further information:
Prof. Dr. theol. lic. phil. Peter G. Kirchschläger
Ordinarius für Theologische Ethik
Leiter des Instituts für Sozialethik ISE
Theologische Fakultät
Universität Luzern
Frohburgstrasse 3
Postfach 4466
CH-6002 Luzern
+41-41-229 52 61