Leadership in conflicts and emergencies

The study programme ”MAS in Humanitarian Leadership“, developed by the University of Lucerne in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), moved into its third round with 21 participants last Tuesday, on 22 of February.

ICRC staff member

The third ”Master in Advanced Studies (MAS) in Humanitarian Leadership“ was launched successfully last Tuesday. 21 ICRC participants from 19 different countries on 4 continents, which have already completed three certificate courses proficiently and are currently working in different countries and disaster areas, were able to begin the next round of their part time study programme on Zoom. Prof. Dr Bruno Staffelbach, Rector of the University of Lucerne, and Sally Al-Nakshbandi, Head ICRC Humanitarian Leadership and Management School, addressed inspiring words to the attendees.

Taking the advanced training course ”MAS in Humanitarian Leadership“ during the next 1.5 years, the participants will be able to deepen and broaden their leadership skills in order to be prepared to tackle future challenges in the humanitarian world.

About the ”CAS/MAS in Humanitarian Leadership”

The joint study programme “CAS/MAS in Humanitarian Leadership” combines academic competencies and scientific principles, conducted by the University of Lucerne, with the field proven experiences of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Humanitarian aid for people, afflicted by conflicts and natural disasters, is an intense, demanding, and multifaceted challenge. Various factors, emerging in emergency and disaster relief, require pronounced strategic and operational abilities as well as strong leadership skills from leading individuals and field staff.

In regards to these challenges and opportunities, the advanced training programme ”CAS/MAS in Humanitarian Leadership“ offers an ideal tool for humanitarian leaders and managers.

Further information on the MAS in Humanitarian Leadership