How to be successful in purposeful leadership

The trend toward flatter hierarchies, agile work and network-based organization requires that efforts of all employees are successfully coordinated. In order to achieve this, creating a common sense of a corporate purpose is essential. This is a leadership task. Yet, how does successful purposeful leadership look like? Leadership experts from the University of Lucerne address this question in three articles published in personalSCHWEIZ.

Dr. Patrick Hofstetter shows that in complex and volatile situations, a guiding orientation by the leader is a prerequisite for employees to overcome uncertainty and ambiguity as a team. This tangible leadership activity can be supported with appropriate leadership processes.

Dr. Manuela Morf discusses in an interview current research finding on purposeful leadership. She explains how purposeful leadership looks like, how companies can build purposeful organizations, and what potential challenges need to be considered.

Dr. Reto Wegmann analyses what competences are needed if complexity creates limits for leadership by planning and controlling (“chess”) and when it calls for leadership by creating good preconditions (“gardener”). The article then highlights how these competencies are developed.

Links to the articles (in German):

Führungskräfte bieten Orientierung (personalSCHWEIZ)

Interview Leadertracker (personalSCHWEIZ)

Vom Schachspieler zur Gärtnerin (personalSCHWEIZ)