Exchange programmes
Semester dates
The fall semester begins in calendar week 38 (mid-September) and ends in December. The spring semester is held from week 8 (second half of February) until week 22 (end of May).
The exact semester dates can be found here.
Incoming students to the University of Lucerne can apply to take part in one of the following programmes:
Students studying at other Swiss universities have the possibility to study for one or two semesters at the University of Lucerne. The transfer of credits (ECTS) for these study periods is usually guaranteed (please consult the study and exam regulations of your home university/faculty).
Students interested in participating in this programme should register with the mobility office at their home university who will in turn nominate the student for a study semester at the University of Lucerne. The University of Lucerne then issues your home university with a confirmation of your study placement.
As a general rule, incoming students will also need to complete a registration form issued by the University of Lucerne and should hand this form in to the University of Lucerne's Mobility Office.
Incoming CH-Unimobil students must register in person at the University of Lucerne's Mobility Office before the commencement of their mobility semester. The exact registration dates will be communicated to all students beforehand.
Students remain registered at their home university during their mobility semester and continue to pay their study fees at their home university. The University of Lucerne does not charge any registration or exam fees to CH-Unimobil students.
Registration deadlines at the University of Lucerne
Fall Semester 15th April
Spring Semester 31st October
Students from European partner universities may study for one or two semesters at the University of Lucerne within the framework of the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP). Partner universities are defined as those who have signed a bilateral agreement with the University of Lucerne. Please note that within the framework of the SEMP programme the study grant is paid by the University of Lucerne.
Incoming exchange students must first register with the mobility coordinator at their home university who will in turn nominate the student for a semester of study at the University of Lucerne via the online portal Mobility-Online. The login data and all further information regarding the nomination process will be sent to our partner universities in due time.
After the approval of the nomination prospective incoming students will receive an e-mail with the login data and further information regarding the online application process in Mobility-Online.
The exchange semester starts with an "Orientation Week" in the week prior to the start of classes; during this time incoming SEMP students must register in person at the University of Lucerne's International Relations Office and will be given their student card. Participation in the "Orientation Week" is mandatory.
Students remain registered at their home university during their mobility semester and continue to pay their study fees at their home university. The University of Lucerne does not charge any registration or exam fees to SEMP students.
Nomination deadline at the University of Lucerne - NEW
Fall and Spring Semester 31st March*
*If we have funds still available we will contact our partners in the fall to inform them that further nominations for the spring semester are possible.
Application deadlines at the University of Lucerne - NEW
Fall semester 15th April
Spring semester 30th September
Students from partner universities outside Europe may study for one or two semesters at the University of Lucerne within the framework of the Partnership Programme. Partner universities are defined as those who have signed a bilateral Agreement with the University of Lucerne.
Incoming exchange students must first register with the mobility coordinator at their home university who will in turn nominate the student for a semester of study at the University of Lucerne via the online portal Mobility-Online. The login data and all further information regarding the nomination process will be sent to our partner universities in due time.
After the approval of the nomination prospective incoming students will receive an e-mail with the login data and further information regarding the online application process in Mobility-Online.
The exchange semester starts with an "Orientation Week" in the week prior to the start of classes; during this time incoming Partnership students must register in person at the University of Lucerne's International Relations Office and will be given their student card. Participation in the "Orientation Week" is mandatory.
Students remain registered at their home university during their mobility semester and continue to pay their study fees at their home university. The University of Lucerne does not charge any registration or exam fees to Partnership Programme students.
Nomination deadlines at the University of Lucerne
Fall Semester 31st March
Spring Semester 1st October
Registration deadlines at the University of Lucerne
Fall Semester 15th April
Spring Semester 15th October
Within the Freemover Programme students from other universities must arrange their own study visit to the University of Lucerne since there exists no agreement between the universities.
In general, it is possible for students to register and enrol at the University of Lucerne as visting students, outside the mobility programmes named above. Visiting students are defined as students who are enrolled temporarily at the university and who do not intend to complete a full programme of study.
Important: Please note that different admission requirements apply for the different faculties and that admission cannot be guaranteed.
The admissions department at the University of Lucerne decides whether a freemover can be admitted to a programme of study once all admissions documents have been submitted. Tuition and exam fees are payable to the University of Lucerne.
Further information on admission...
Freemovers must personally present themselves at the Student Administration Office in order to complete enrollment. The exact enrollment data will then be confirmed to the student in writing. As long as all necessary documents have been submitted at enrollment, the student will receive his/her student card and confirmation of study. These documents are often needed for other administrative procedures and should thus be kept safe.