
Student housing: Student Mentor Foundation Lucerne

The University of Lucerne has a well-established cooperation with the "Student Mentor Foundation Lucerne" (SMFL), which offers modern student housing in a quiet area of Lucerne. The SMFL can be easily reached by foot, with a bicyle or with public transportation; the bus trip to the University of Lucerne takes about 6 minutes.

The University of Lucerne has an allocation of furnished rooms at SMFL, that are exclusively reserved for mobility students. You will receive further information during the online registration for a mobility semester - please note that the University of Lucerne cannot guarantee that you will be allocated a room.

More information can be found on the website of the Student Mentor Foundation Lucerne. Please note that the prices indicated on this website show the rent for unfurnished rooms, that are not available for mobility students. The room booking for mobility students of the University of Lucerne can only be made via the International Relations Office (mobility@unilu.ch). Only from there will you also receive the necessary login data for the definitive reservation.