Buddy programme ESN Luzern

The buddy programme for incoming exchange student organized by ESN Luzern is open to all international students (including students from non-European countries)! This programme will help them to get in contact with local students and to fully immerse into campus life at the University of Lucerne.

From the initial information before arriving in Lucerne, the organisation of an "ESN Welcome Week" and other events during the semester, the buddies from ESN Lucerne are there to help and advise our incoming students throughout the entire exchange semester.

Students in front of the Hofkirche

What is ESN Luzern? 

The Erasmus Student Network is a (continental-) European student organisation, that supports and constantly develops student exchange. With over 540 local sections at universities in over 40 countries (thereof 15 in Switzerland – Lucerne was the only university missing)  the network strongly encourages the integration of exchange students in their respective guest countries, regardless of their background and how they join ESN. Besides from events and excursions organized for incoming students, ESN promotes mobility opportunities and accessible Higher Education possibilities for students with disabilities via the long-term project ExchangeAbility. With SocialErasmus, another international project by the Erasmus Student Network,  ESN promotes a social attitude among young citizens participating in mobility programmes, to facilitate their integration into the local community whilst giving them the chance to make a long lasting social change in society through volunteering activities.

How do I register for the Buddy Programme as an exchange student? 

All exchange students at the University of Lucerne (CH-Unimobil, SEMP and Partnership) will be invited via e-mail to participate in this programme at the beginning of their exchange semester.

How do I become a "Buddy"? 

Lucerne students of the University of Lucerne, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the Pädagogische Hochschule Luzern are invited to become a buddy and to accompagny international students during their "adventure Switzerland". Applications are welcome via mail to luzernremove-this.@remove-this.esn.ch .

ESN Swiss Guide for exchange students

Take a look at the Swiss Guide for exchange students with important information about Switzerland and your exchange semester.