
In addition to the full-time course in Catholic Theology, students can elect to focus on Religious Teaching, Ethics or Philosophy, Theology and Religions. Furthermore, an interdisciplinary course in Religion, Economics and Politics is available. Theology can also be studied as a distance learning course with in person exams in Lucerne at the end of each semester. The Master's in Philosophy, Theology and Religions is taught completely online.
The Dr. Zygmunt und Hedwig Luciak-Weilenmann-Stiftung is offering various scholarships to Polish students covering tuition fees either in part or in their entirety to qualified applicants who can demonstrate their skills in theology or philosophy. If you want to apply for this scholarship please send us the filled out document (incl. all required enclosures) to lw_tf. In case of questions regarding the «Dr. Zygmunt und Hedwig Luciak-Weilenmann-Stiftung» please contact @ unilu.chtf. @