Joshua Samuel Schibli
Research Fellow and PhD Student
(Lucerne Graduate School in Ethics)
T +41 41 229 52 29 • 3.B56 • joshua.schibli @
Joshua Samuel Schibli is currently pursuing his PhD at the Lucerne Graduate School in Ethics (LGSE) at the Institute for Social Ethics (ISE) at the University of Lucerne under the direction of Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschläger. Previously, he completed a bilingual (German and French) bachelor's degree in philosophy and economics at the University of Fribourg and graduated summa cum laude with a master's degree in philosophy from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich.
Schibli's doctoral project aims to elaborate the significance of ethics of responsibility for the field of nuclear safety – in particular for supervisory authorities in this very field.
With this project, Schibli is deepening areas of interest that have accompanied him for a long time: In particular, the examination of ethics of responsibility shaped his thinking as a student.