Noemi Honegger

PhD Student (Lucerne Graduate School in Ethics)


Doctoral Student at Lucerne Graduate School in Ethics at the Institute for Social Ethics in the Faculty of Theology of the University of Lucerne with a research project on the relation between the real and the financial sector from an ethical point of view with Prof. Dr. theol. lic. phil. Peter G. Kirchschläger. Studies of Theology and Economics at the University of Fribourg (2018: Master of Art in Economics; 2017: Master of Arts in Theological Studies; 2013: Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies with a minor in Economics). Professional experience as pastoral care worker especially in the field of palliative care (2018–Present), assistant program officer for Laos and the Philippines with Fastenopfer (2016–2018), coordinator of the “Youth Sector” with Missio Schweiz (2015: replacement maternity leave) and student assistant at the Institute for Ecumenical Studies (2011–2016) and at the Chair of Moral Theology and Ethics at the University of Fribourg. Voluntary work with Caritas Bern supporting refugees in everyday life, “Schulbesuchsdienst” with Public Eye (2015–2017) as well as engagement in university politics (2010–2013) and member of the parish council of Bern Dreifaltigkeit (since 2019). Voluntary work in CIMA – Centro de Integración de Menores en Abandono Lima/Peru (2014).