Dr. Darius Meier


Darius Meier is an economist and ethicist who has been working at the intersection of science, practice, and politics for several years. His PhD thesis, a joint project with Yale University titled “The Future of Work: Ethical Evaluation of the Change of Human Labor in the Context of Advancing Automation”, earned him summa cum laude honors and was published by Nomos. The thesis can be downloaded here.

Before his PhD, supervised by Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger, Darius earned a degree in economics from the University of Lucerne and an interdisciplinary master’s in Religion, Economics, and Politics from the Universities of Basel, Lucerne, and Zurich. He also completed academic exchanges at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México and the Université de Lille in France.

In addition to his academic accomplishments, Darius works at PwC Advisory, specializing in cybersecurity. He has published numerous articles on the opportunities and challenges of emerging technologies, such as blockchain and the automation of human labor. Fluent in six languages, Darius is also actively engaged in community and political activities.