Professorship of Theological Ethics and Social Ethics

German translation published

Kirchschlaeger, Peter G. (2024): Digitale Transformation und Ethik. Ethische Überlegungen zur Robotisierung und Automatisierung von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft und zum Einsatz von «Künstlicher Intelligenz», Baden-Baden.
English edition

New Book: Ethical Decision-Making

Kirchschlaeger, Peter G. (2023): Ethical Decision-Making, Baden-Baden.
German edition

Ethical decision-making challenges us every day - be it in our private or professional lives, be it on an organisational or institutional level, be it in a political or economic context. The textbook encourages ethical decision-making with ease and argumentative elegance - in the following four steps (SAMBA):

  1. See and Understand the Reality
  2. Analyze the Reality from a Moral Standpoint
  3. Be the Ethical Judge!
  4. Act Accordingly! 
ISE Ethick Kirchschläger

Video Portrait of Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger

What is right? What is good? Insight into Theological Ethics.


University of Lucerne
Chair of Theological Ethics
Frohburgstrasse 3
P.O. Box
6002 Lucerne

T +41 41 229 52 26 (Administration), Room 3.B42
Office hours: Tues. 8.00 - 16.30, Wed. and Thurs. 8.00 - 13.00

Media Inquiries: T +41 41 229 52 27
(Melina Faeh, Coordinator Innovation & Communication)
Current information by email.
Visit the Institute for Social Ethics ISE on YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook.

EthicsImpulses - Next event on November 22, 2024 with Prof. Dr. Katharina Pistor

South Africa and madagascar

Hans Kueng - Weltethos Lecture - Next event on November 24, 2025 with Prof. Dr. Nils Goldschmidt