Professorship of Theological Ethics and Social Ethics
New Publication on Robotics and “AI” in Care
Kaiser-Duliba, Alexandra (2025): Personalisiert – Entpersonalisiert. Ethische Beurteilung des Einsatzes von Robotik und Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Pflege anhand des Personkonzepts von Paul Ricœur. Published in the series Ethik | Ethics, Baden-Baden.
German translation published
Kirchschlaeger, Peter G. (2024): Digitale Transformation und Ethik. Ethische Überlegungen zur Robotisierung und Automatisierung von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft und zum Einsatz von «Künstlicher Intelligenz», Baden-Baden.
English edition
Ethical Decision-Making
Kirchschlaeger, Peter G. (2023): Ethical Decision-Making, Baden-Baden.
German edition
Ethical decision-making challenges us every day - be it in our private or professional lives, be it on an organisational or institutional level, be it in a political or economic context. The textbook encourages ethical decision-making with ease and argumentative elegance - in the following four steps (SAMBA):
- See and Understand the Reality
- Analyze the Reality from a Moral Standpoint
- Be the Ethical Judge!
- Act Accordingly!
Video Portrait of Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger
What is right? What is good? Insight into Theological Ethics.
University of Lucerne
Chair of Theological Ethics
Frohburgstrasse 3
P.O. Box
6002 Lucerne
T +41 41 229 54 73 (Administration), Room 3.B42
ise @
Office hours: Tues. 8.00 - 16.30, Wed. and Thurs. 8.00 - 13.00
Media Inquiries: T +41 41 229 52 27
(Melina Faeh, Coordinator Innovation & Communication)
Current information by email.
Visit the Institute for Social Ethics ISE on YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook.
Building a Global Network for Sustainable Responsibility – the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context:The next LSUE takes place in May 2025!
EthicsImpulses - Next event on May 26, 2025 with Prof. Dr. Bernd Scherer
Hans Kueng - Weltethos Lecture - Next event on November 24, 2025 with Prof. Dr. Nils Goldschmidt