
Reginaldus Foundation and «Dr. Zygmunt und Hedwig Luciak-Weilenmann-Stiftung»

The University of Lucerne is proud to announce that the Reginaldus Foundation is offering various scholarships covering tuition fees either in part or in their entirety to qualified applicants who can demonstrate their skills in philosophy or theology. All applications (including Transcript of Records, Curriculum Vitae and a Letter of Motivation) must be submitted online to: with «Reginaldus Foundation» in the subject line. 

In addition, the University of Lucerne is proud to announce that the «Dr. Zygmunt und Hedwig Luciak-Weilenmann-Stiftung» is offering various scholarships to Polish students covering tuition fees either in part or in their entirety to qualified applicants who can demonstrate their skills in philosophy or theology. If you want to apply for this scholarship please send us the filled out document (incl. all required enclosures) to In case of questions regarding the «Dr. Zygmunt und Hedwig Luciak-Weilenmann-Stiftung» please contact If you have questions regarding the master's program contact

After receiving the application, we will get in contact with the applicant with detailed information about the next steps. We are looking forward receiving your application soon!

Contact us with the form below if you are interested or have any questions: