Addressing The Topic of “Fake News” in a Child-Friendly Way
Aline Neli dos Santos, participant of the LSUE 2023, has published the first Brazilian children's book on the subject of “Fake News”. She tells the adventures of a girl in the fictional town of “Zapistan”. In “The star that fell into Camila's hand”, the effects of “fake news” on the lives and places where Black people live are shown.
Aline Neli dos Santos writes in her LinkedIn post: “I am very grateful to Professor Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger for his book ‘Digital Transformation and Ethics’, which inspired me to write my children's book about the spread of fake news in the fictional city of ‘Zapistan’, where everything in my book takes place.” As part of her participation in the Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE under the patronage of UNESCO, she learned in various courses how she could contribute to the socio-ecological transformation of her country and the world. During the LSUE and in conversations with Prof. Dr. Peter G. Kirchschlaeger, she learned many recommendations, scientific data and reflections on ethics of AI and human rights.
In addition to addressing the social impact of “fake news” in a child-friendly way, Aline Neli creates an identification figure for children free of racist stereotypes with the protagonist Camila: “Camila looks like me when I was a child, and that touches me so much and gives me so much desire to keep creating! I grew up not seeing characters in children's books that looked like me, and if they did, they were full of racist stereotypes.”
A estrela que caiu na mão de Camila (The Star That Fell Into Camila's Hand)
ISBN: 978-65-5223-411-7
Aline Neli dos Santos was born in Uberaba (Federal State Minas Gerais). She is a pedagogue, multi-artist, post-graduate in neuropsychopedagogy, arts teaching methodology and has a master's degree from the first interdisciplinary programme in arts, urbanities and sustainability in Latin America, at the Federal University of São João del-Rei, MG.