Ethical discourse beyond borders (updated)

The third "Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE" starts on June 10. For the official opening, Chinese human rights activist and artist Ai Weiwei will meet with the LSUE students for a discussion. The opening lecture will be given by the Mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando.

Picture: Ammentorp Lund

The course under the patronage of UNESCO offers 30 students from 24 countries the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts from science and practice, to conduct research in workshops and to develop projects. On June 14, there will also be a public lecture of the "EthikImpuls" series with Prof. Dr. Arne Manzeschke on "Personalized Health from an Ethical Perspective". Due to the ongoing global Covid-19 pandemic, both the one-week course and the public lecture of the "EthikImpuls" series will be held online.

Interdisciplinary and international

Globalization requires a worldwide, interdisciplinary discourse on ethics and the networking of responsible decision-makers.The “Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE" enables students to approach ethical questions beyond the boundaries of academic fields, cultures, traditions, religions and worldviews as well as to search for solutions together. The “Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE” under the patronage of UNESCO is organized by the Institute of Social Ethics ISE of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Lucerne.

Renowned lecturers from various disciplines

The faculty of the "Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE" consists of an interdisciplinary and international group of lecturers. It follows a practice-oriented approach and unites experts from science, politics and business. The Faculty 2021 includes:

  • Ai Weiwei, Artist
  • Precious Oghale Diagboya, LSUE Alunma 2018 and PhD Student at University of Ibadan, Nigeria
  • Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • Akaliza Keza Ntwari, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of «Girls in ICT Rwanda»; Member of the UN High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation
  • Leoluca Orlando, Mayor of Palermo
  • Mona Mijthab, Founder of MOSAN; Lecturer for Strategic Design
  • Gunoo Kim, Professor of Law, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
  • Katiúscia Ribeiro, Researcher and university lecturer of African Philosophy and Ethics, Women's Thoughts and Community Relations, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Arne Manzeschke, President of the European Research Society for Ethics Societas Ethica; Professor of Anthropology and Ethics for Health Professions, Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg, Germany

More information about LSUE

Public talk on personalized health on June 14, 2021

Selected content of the "Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE" is made accessible for public debate thanks to the "EthicsImpulse"-Series. Prof. Dr. Arne Manzeschke, faculty member at LSUE, will speak on "Personalized Health from an Ethical Perspective" on Monday, June 14, 2021, 6.30-7.30 pm. The zoom link to this "EthicsImpulse" is published on the website of the Institute for Social Ethics ISE.


Melina Faeh, Coordinator “Lucerne Summer University: Ethics in a Global Context LSUE” organized under the patronage of UNESCO
Tel. +41 41 229 52 27,

Note: The announcement originally published on June 2 was completed with references to the participation of Ai Weiwei and Precious Oghale Diagboya.